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Messages - tehjman1993

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Gameplay & Discussion / Re: Introducing!
« on: September 19, 2015, 06:26:56 PM »
Hello Del-Fruiters!

I want to remind everyone that using the review section to attack the game in a harsh manner, or attacking the game creator(s) directly, is immediate grounds for removal of your review. There has been a large group of players that have decided to use delicious-fruit as a way to bash a specific game and its creator(s), all while playing the victim "woe is me" card. We will not tolerate any individual attacking another, let alone a group.

Although I have already removed 2 reviews and warned the users, I will state it here for future reference:

This is your one and only warning.

We will IP ban you from the site, and we will follow up on this IP for future accounts, events, etc.

I hate making these announcements, and you should hate seeing them. For those that have no idea what's going on, you're obviously not the issue! If you think this is directly addressing your behavior, then this announcement was hand-crafted just for you. Grow up.


Game Design / Re: Boss Rush
« on: September 14, 2015, 11:59:02 AM »
Interesting, tj. I will think about maybe trying something like what you listed. I don't really want to add mores bosses to my game (it's a lot of work to make bosses) so the shuffling option might not fall through. Do you think it would be better to have them placed one after the other or all in one room? Maybe it would feel more like progress if you did one after the other but I'm not sure I like the idea.

It sounds like you want to stick with the traditional style, possibly lottery-style. Honestly, I think your best course of action is one of the two options here:

1.) Traditional boss rush that is either a.) one room after another in a pre-determined order or b.) one room with many hubs.

For a.) If you choose a pre-determined order for 4 bosses, make sure these are easy enough to beat in a very reasonable time. Do not make these a grind-fest (only a very vocal minority enjoys this). Although I don't want to tell you how you should make your game, I think you should consider a "skip" item/option in the game for 1 of the bosses. Maybe an insta-kill item that the player can use only once on one of the 4 (or however many) bosses. A slight increase in difficulty for each boss would probably be best here, as well.

b.) If you choose a hub with many rooms, you could follow the above advice and use an insta-kill item on one of the portals. Again, I don't want to tell you how you should make your game according to how I think it should be made. You decide what's best for your game, however, in a hub setting, there is less of a progression feel and more of a grind feel overall. I would only use hub if you were planning on a target-score boss rush, honestly.

A good example is to take a look at Rekt - we used a lottery-style boss rush for stage 4, while using a hub-like pre-determined order boss rush for stage 5. Ultimately we ended up with a traditional boss rush stage 6, but Get Rekt literally has every piece of boss rush I talked about. Every stage feels unique to itself, rather than just copying boss fights over and over again.

Once again, this is just how I feel you should go about it. Despite stage 4's boss design flaws, I think Get Rekt's overall stage design for 4-6 was each unique in its own way, and didn't feel copied. Try those out, and see what you like best.

Little something I'm working on:

2 spoops 4 me

Tournaments / Re: Winter Fangame Event: Ideas?
« on: September 13, 2015, 12:01:32 PM »
Idk what gets happening but I'd gladly participate in anything like it. Nothing better to do. :I

Well, after a bit of talking with klazen about this, it'll be either gyf or a relay race, both wouldn't require too much work and can be organized in a few weeks

10/10 Get yourself fangaming

took me so long to figure out what that stood for ;;

Game Design / Re: Boss Rush
« on: September 09, 2015, 11:52:10 AM »
"Inherently flawed concept" only applies to the standard of boss rushes that fangames are using today, such as the K3 or Z3.

Boss rush, by design, is a series of boss fights that you need to accomplish before continuing on. There are multiple ways to approach this concept, and the most popular way of approaching it is the one that is frowned upon the most.

"Traditional" Boss Rush - A series of bosses (that may/may not have a save before/after each boss) that you beat before continuing. This is what is seen in games such as K3 and Z3, and have way too high of a difficulty curve to progress at any decent rate. The difficulty of these boss rushes is typically so high, it takes the player 10-40+ hours for each boss, with some going well beyond 40 hours (see: Piano in K3). This is probably not the best way to go about boss rushes, but is the most traditional, reminiscent of the Megaman series. If you do choose this method, you need to nerf your bosses to a point where they are easy enough to beat within a short amount of time. However long it takes the player to beat the platforming should not exceed how long it takes them to beat any particular boss, more or less.

"Target Score" Boss Rush - A series of bosses that have different point values assigned to them. A door will unlock after X amount of points, allowing you to progress past the boss rush without having fought all of the bosses. This is well done in "I wanna be the Crysis", where you have to score 25 points to get past the boss rush. Harder bosses award more points, and vice-versa for easier bosses. This is a much more player-oriented way to go about boss rush, as it allows the player to pick and choose what bosses they want to fight. A major disadvantage of this style is that it typically requires a large number of bosses to pick from, which is opposite of what you had planned for your boss rush.

"Lottery-Style" Boss Rush - A series of bosses that are randomly chosen from a pool of bosses that must be fought in some order. There may be a varying number of bosses to fight, or there may be only a select X number of bosses to fight out of a pool of pre-determined bosses. For example, if I had 6 bosses, I can have the player randomly "roll" 3 of them to fight. I could also potentially give the player 1 or 2 "re-rolls" for any boss that they think is too difficult/they don't like. I like this boss rush the most, but I only see traces of this boss rush scattered throughout games, typically through platforming instead of bossing. For your game, out of 3 bosses, you could have the player roll 1 or 2, with possibly a re-roll for one of them if the player really does not like that boss. Maybe the re-roll could be a secret item in your game, or a reward.

This is how I see boss rushes. I don't believe boss rush is an "inherently flawed" concept, rather, the traditional style may not suit fangames to the liking of the majority of players. Thus, tweaks are required from the traditional boss rush to better suit fangames and the player himself/herself.

The Lounge / Re: Keeping Calm?
« on: September 08, 2015, 09:31:56 PM »
I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet - just have fun.

Honestly, when I was grinding out K2's boss rush (or any hard segment, really), I enjoy talking to my chat about non-related things and just having a good time. Whether it's memes, food talk, or something else, it's always fun to just casually get your mind off of the grind at-hand while you slowly develop muscle memory. Eventually, you'll beat it without even realizing you improved at all!

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: Introducing!
« on: September 03, 2015, 04:35:05 PM »
Disclaimer: I am typing this from a phone, I take no responsibility for auto-correct errors.

After reading some more of this discussion, I first ask that everyone keep it civilized. I don't want anyone getting warned/banned from the forums because of some silly feature discussion on some silly review site. I will not respond to anyone that I feel is only using this thread as a way to attack another.

That being said: I noticed a few more suggestions have been mentioned since my last post, as well as some slight misunderstanding about my vision for delicious-fruit. I will clarify these points as concise as possible, because there are way too many long posts in this thread :ResidentSleeper:

"Discussion" and Del-Fruit: Yes, del-fruit has reviews. Yes, we have community involvement in the sense of ratings, screenshots, and comments (as well as misc. profile information). No, we do not have a "forum"-like discussion area, such as a discussion tab where users could post "How do I beat x Boss in this game?" or "What do you do in the puzzle room?" These questions are constantly asked, at least from what I see on Twitch. I want these questions to reside on these forums, not our own del-fruit forums. I want people to use these forums to the extent that they should be used (see: increase use). Rather, adding a discussion tab on del-fruit (even if is just a comment-like section) may divert traffic from here to del-fruit, something we wish to avoid.

More options: We will definitely take this into consideration to help refine searches on del-fruit, specifically through the "read more reviews!" button. In the future, we will attempt to make this both user-friendly and well-refined.

A "buddy" system: I have not heard this idea before, and it is quite interesting. I will have to consult with Klazen how practical this idea is, however, I like the idea of it. Of course, any user that you are "buddy" with (or just "following", whatever) will have to be set to private, such that any other user cannot see your buddy list, nor can you see theirs. It would be interesting to compare your own clear lists, ratings, and reviews to that of your buddies' list. Most certainly a consideration.

I hope this clears up everything up to this point. I hope most of the wildfire surrounding the "Wannabe of the Month" has died down, which it looks like it has. My phone is nearly dead, so I'll stop here.

Thanks for choosing Oppressive Fangame Regime™ Delicious-Fruit as your site of choice! not like you had any other option #FangameMonopoly #BringBackBingo

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: Introducing!
« on: September 02, 2015, 10:28:19 AM »
If you do this, you should at some point feature all the wannabes. Be fair to all of them.

We are planning on selecting new Wannabes every month that are active streamers on

Onto a separate suggestion. The main reason I don't use the site honestly is because of the lack of any real discussion interface. I like the site for the most part but I feel as though a stream of one-off reviews is limiting. I'm not suggesting any massive overhaul but it would be nice if there was a tab under every game where people could discuss them like a kind of mini forum thread. I'm not sure whether I think it should be integrated into reviews as I don't think people should have to defend their opinions and it might just lead to harassment. I think it's useful because only a fraction of the games on the website have a forum analogue and it would be useful to be able to ask questions and discuss every game because some Japanese games might have text that doesn't display on computers with English as the default and instead of these games getting downvoted or ignored by the western community, people could post how to progress. For instance one fangame a while back, I forget the name, had a puzzle where you had to type numbers into a computer, only the text was messed up and the English was badly translated so I had to find a youtube video so I knew what to do as I thought you had to multiply or add the numbers etc. I spoke to Piece about it a while back and he said he'd suggested something similar as well.

While I don't think the re-quote of your own text was necessary, a discussion tab for each game will be considered. Del-Fruit, among other things, has no real way to communicate to a wide audience instantly. A discussion tab for each game would solve this issue, however, I can already see it being abused far more than just the reviews themselves. This would also have to be heavily moderated, which is something we would like to avoid. We would rather have a self-sufficient system in which the community can regulate itself. A discussion panel, unfortunately, would probably have to be moderated because of certain comments made towards the game, the creator, or other community members. We have a strict policy against disparaging comments towards any of the 3 parties listed, and we would have to apply this to the discussion panel, which undermines the point of a 'discussion' entirely.

In addition, a discussion panel acts as a mini-forum for the game. Although we wish for Del-Fruit to be successful in a variety of ways, we do not want it to be a place for discussion. This is what a forum is for, and we would rather drive traffic to this site for discussion. Forum-like changes made to Del-Fruit could hurt these forums in the long run, which is something we also want to avoid. Let this site stand as a place for discussion and image sharing, while let Del-Fruit stand as a place for reviews, ratings, and other minor add-ins.

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: Introducing!
« on: September 01, 2015, 09:40:59 PM »
Woah, woah! Lots of replies for a feature we didn't think would be that controversial! I see lots of different opinions, mostly positive. We're glad the community has taken a liking to the change we are adding to our review site. I want to outline a few things that both Klazen and I have agreed upon, and that we believe gives the community the most transparency and insight into our decision making. I will try to address everyone's concerns/issues raised one-by-one. Here we go!

1.) We are a community site. Yes, we boast reviews and ratings as the flagship for delicious-fruit. Yes, we moderate these reviews and ratings with the utmost transparency, announcing every policy change on both these forums and on del-fruit itself. However, we are dedicated to the community and encourage it to grow and flourish. To achieve this, we sometimes add new features that we believe benefit the community. As we have added many features to the reviews/ratings section, we wanted to try something a little different. Do not think of Delicious-Fruit as a "review only" site. We want it to be a site that you not only check for reviews, but a site you check for community happenings. We believe "Wannabe of the Month" is a great start.

2.) This is not a "big-streamer" only event. We are looking for the best representations of the Wannabes in every stream. We do not look at view counts. Nor follower count. Nor social media followers/subscribers. We don't care if you're a Twitch Partner. We don't worry about webcams, on-screen chat, or even correct 4:3 scaling (but you really should Kappa). We are looking for community members that are great representatives of the community that are also active on This is not to say that everyone who doesn't stream on Twitch isn't a good representation, rather, we are looking to highlight those that we believe exemplify what the community should strive towards. Sunbla was chosen out of a pool of active streamers that we wanted to highlight. We have a nice list of streamers that could've taken the spotlight just as randomly as Sunbla. I encourage all of you to congratulate Sunbla on being the 1st "Wannabe of the Month", and help anyone who may be new to his channel integrate themselves into the community. He is, hopefully, just one of many Wannabes you watch!

3.) Regarding weekly switching rather than monthly - I personally do not like the weekly idea. My dislike is two-fold: I do not believe a week is long enough for a "majority" of site visitors to see, and I believe we will have to "recycle" Wannabes at a much quicker pace if we do a weekly switch, rather than monthly. There are only so many active streamers before we would either have to choose an inactive streamer (no-no), or one that has already been chosen (not as exciting). Also, based on how many unique daily visitors we have to the site, I believe it is more beneficial to keep the streamer up for a month rather than a week. Although I can't pinpoint the actual amount of non-bot visitors to the site, based on what I can read, we have roughly the same group of people checking del-fruit on a daily (or near-daily) basis, while it takes a longer time for more uniques to check within a week, two week, or month period. That being said, I think a week is too short and a month is just about the right time. In fact, I believe a 3-week period is probably ideal, however, this is a very ugly time frame to use, so we use a month instead.
TL;DR: Math fun

4.) Stream content - We don't care if you love needles. Avoidances. Adventure. Some weird medley mix. We don't care what you're streaming. We're not prioritizing speedrunners over avoidance players. We're not prioritizing medleys over needle. This plays mostly back to point #1.

5.) We do appreciate your feedback. When Klazen/myself read these posts, we do take it seriously. We discuss every point, bit by bit. We are willing to change things if the community has an overwhelming opinion towards a change that we can agree with to some extent. All in all, we want to help the community. Although I am speaking on behalf of Klazen, I can honestly say that we have tried very hard to keep activity and involvement high in the community, ranging from FGM to Bingo to all of Klazen's meme sites to Del-Fruit itself, and more. We are always looking for something new and fresh to do, and so the "Wannabe of the Month" is our newest addition! If you ever have a suggestion for Del-Fruit (whether it is review-related or not!) please let us know! We already have a few future ideas in mind that we intend on implementing at some point, and we'll make sure everyone stays updated so you never miss a beat.

Thank you for supporting Del-Fruit, and we hope we can continue to create new, fun, and innovative ways to show off our community!

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: Introducing!
« on: August 31, 2015, 10:49:44 PM »
Hey everyone! Fresh update for you all!

Delicious-Fruit is now proud to host our monthly "Wannabe of the Month" spotlight! Every month, a randomly selected actively-streaming Wannabe will be given the spotlight for the whole month on the front page of Delicious-Fruit! The site will post a quick bio about you, your stream, and when you are live (real-time updating)! We will always try to ask permission beforehand if you are selected but do not want to be featured, of course.

This will hopefully help newer viewers/community members find some of the best © The Wannabes™® have to offer!

For the month of September, we are happy to announce that Sunbla is our featured Wannabe of the Month! Congratulations, Sun!

As always, we look for feedback about our site. If you think anything needs fixing, tell us! If you have any questions, comments, or even a suggestion for a future event, let us know in this thread!


Stay fresh!

Tools & Software / Re: Livesplit auto splitters
« on: August 23, 2015, 11:53:04 AM »
Is there any specific reason the 'bad ending' for the autosplitter splits at end of stage 9? Shouldn't it split on bad ending entry warp?

Edit: Nevermind, I guess I just need a 10th split for post-stage 9, which is kind of silly

Video Discussion / Re: Deathless stage 1 & 2 in Kamilia 2
« on: August 22, 2015, 07:38:44 PM »
Obvious splicing Denferok

Even the untrained fangaming eye can see that this is a fake.

Nice job though

Video Discussion / Re: I Wanna Kill The Happil Dazzar Defeated
« on: August 19, 2015, 09:11:17 PM »
Please do not re-open ridiculous discussions. You're giving him the attention he wants, unfortunately.

Video Discussion / Re: I Wanna Kill The Happil Dazzar Defeated
« on: August 17, 2015, 08:43:51 PM »
i just relized that is there, that is just lag i swear, i did beat him, it took like a bloody month. you dont have to believe me atleast i know i did it

You're just one of many that have tried to fool a community with your poorly spliced video. In fact, yours was one of the most poorly done. Not even close to believable. If you think it's lag, it can't be more than 10-20 dropped frames, because the 10 -> 9 countdown is still pretty fluid. You kept that timing pretty tight. But you forgot that there's a metric crapton of RNG across the screen, and even with 20 dropped frames you'd be able to track where the RNG is falling.

Man up, admit your mistake, and move on.

Video Discussion / Re: I Wanna Kill The Happil Dazzar Defeated
« on: August 17, 2015, 08:01:47 PM »
WOW! Congrats! How many hours did it take you to splice it? Because the 4:38 splice in the video at around 10 seconds on the final avoidance part is too obvious. Try again next year, buckaroo.

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