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Messages - tehjman1993

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Help, Suggestions & Feedback / Re: The Wannabes 2
« on: March 16, 2015, 08:28:26 PM »
A second team is not necessary. The first (and only) team, The Wannabes, should be the only guy game related team that is accepting year-round. The Wannabes, albeit exclusive, does present opportunities to all players to join. Basic req. would include being able to stream, maintaining a small viewer base, having some skill/interest in fan games, and more.

The Wannabes should be the team you strive for if you truly enjoy both fan games and streaming. Of course, not joining/not being accepted into the team doesn't mean you're a "bad" fangame player, by any means. There is incredible skill within our community that isn't necessarily a part of our twitch team. But if The Wannabes is what you're looking to join, you have to put forth an honest effort in your own stream for weeks and months.

Good luck!

Here's a motivational video to help you get started:

Tournaments / The FGM Runner Submission Thread
« on: March 15, 2015, 10:52:43 AM »
Hello everyone!

We're slowly taking our baby steps towards making Fan Game Marathon (FGM) a reality! We have your list of games all packed up and ready to go, but now the real question is - who will run them?

If you would like to participate in FGM, please fill out this form:

Your response will be recorded on a velvet pillow and beak-delivered to me by the rarest and most prestigious toucans in the world. Then I have to organize it all ;;

This form will stay open for a while. I will try to match your top priority games to you as much as possible. I will prioritize faster times by default. Please do not try to "fake" your estimated time for a specific game, as I'll be looking at twitch profiles for previous times. Please, for the sake of simplicity, only list games that you are comfortable running.


What dates are FGM?


Who is running [insert fangame here]?


Who is casting?


Where can I donate to the Prevent Savehacker Foundation?

httpss:// :Kappa:

What if I don't want to run FGM but want to watch it?

That's fine! Just sit tight for a few monthsyears until it's all ready!


If you have any questions about THIS process of selecting runners/races, this is the place to do so. I am always looking for volunteers as well, as organizing runners to games is going to drive me crazy.

Go Wannabes go ( ◕  ᗜ  ◕ ) !


Meet and Greet! / Re: Hi
« on: March 15, 2015, 10:45:23 AM »
Hey Jack!

This guy is an awesome addition to our community. Seriously. Enjoy your stay!

The Lounge / Re: The Kid? Why not The Lad?
« on: March 15, 2015, 10:09:31 AM »
But IWBTG:G is the epitome of a downgrade of the original IWBTG?


Tournaments / Re: The FGM Suggestion Thread
« on: March 14, 2015, 09:35:07 AM »
I think leaving this up for one more day for last suggestions would be good.

If you have ANY ideas that have not already been listed, please do so now. After this suggestion phase, I think moving into an organization/cut phase is appropriate. Games will be approved, cut, and waitlisted (bonus?). Approved games will then be organized and assigned.

Tournaments / Re: The FGM Suggestion Thread
« on: March 13, 2015, 11:00:49 AM »
Keep adding them! We have quite a list here, but we need as many as possible!

Tournaments / Re: The FGM Suggestion Thread
« on: March 12, 2015, 09:47:17 AM »
Just as a heads up - we want as many submissions as possible on either here or the spreadsheet! Of course, not every fangame may make "the cut", however, we need as large of a pool to pick from as possible. Races are certainly going to be featured.

Great job so far, but keep 'em coming!

Tournaments / Re: The FGM Suggestion Thread
« on: March 11, 2015, 11:29:43 PM »
If you wanted to raise money for charity, I could provide one.  My school hosts a dance for the B+ foundation which reaches out for kids with cancer.  Im just putting it put there as a possible charity to donate to. I wont go into detail since I dont want to seem like im forcing this on.

Before any talk of donation incentives or charities, I think its best to get a solid list/schedule down. These things can be worked out later :)

Tournaments / Re: The FGDQ Suggestion Thread
« on: March 11, 2015, 07:11:14 PM »
Already mentioned it on Twitter, but the 2nd anniversary of the Wannabe twitch team is on the 13th or 15th of June (not sure, it was 1 day before or after my Birthday :P)

Could be a nice thing to set up as a special.

(I mentioned it Kappa)

But yeah this would fall perfectly for a anniversary marathon stream!

Also sword - we could certainly use a needle game like that!

Tournaments / The FGM Suggestion Thread
« on: March 11, 2015, 07:05:31 PM »
Hello everyone,

Ever thought of a giant fangaming marathon? Of course you have, don't be silly. But what if this became a reality? What if we had one stream where 10's (maybe 100's Kappa) of runners can play though their favorite fan games as quickly as possible, back-to-back! It would be our own marathon that's open to all skill levels, all fangames, and more importantly, ANYONE to watch! I think this would open our community up to players who are "afraid" to play fangames, as well as expose what we're all about - playing guy games.

This is where we had the great idea of FGM - Fan Games Marathon. Although we have nothing set in stone yet, this purpose of this thread is to suggest fangames you would love to see run at a marathon, either to play or to watch. Keep the ENTIRE community in mind - "pros" and "noobs" alike!

I'll start us off with a few easy ones that I think would be easy to commentate and are enjoyable to watch:

I wanna be the Dark Blue
I wanna be the GReeeeeN
I wanna Kill the Kamilia 2
I wanna be the Boshy
I wanna Get Cultured
I wanna Get Rekt (no bias Kappa)
I wanna get the Yellow Star
I wanna beat the Random Numbers

...and so on. List your list here! I just want to clarify that this is not a "real" event yet, as this is merely just an idea that was floating around. If we can pick up speed for this idea, we can turn it into a reality. Let's do it!

Edit: Here is a tenative list that pieceofcheese set us up:

Please don't troll this list ;;

Edit2: Renamed marathon from FGDQ to FGM for legal reasons.

once upon a time, there was a man named plynq who hacked to the final boss and posted a video of it to YouTube; this was one of the main reasons as to why Kamilia halted its production in the first place, and because of that, plynq recieved a lot of hate from it.

I love a good bedtime story pieSnug

Game Design / Re: YoSniper's Fangame Contest 2015 *READY SET GO!*
« on: February 21, 2015, 06:34:52 PM »
Just as a heads up - the win8 rule is actually fixed for all win8 computers now. bmxbandit posted a quick and easy guide on these forums to fixing win8 to run all fangames with no problems. Just in case you were curious :D

Does this apply only "Kamilia 2"?

Applies to all fangames.

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: Introducing!
« on: February 14, 2015, 06:17:34 PM »
Would it be appreciated or considered "spoilers" if I uploaded screenshots showing where the secrets in a game are?

You are allowed to upload any screenshots of the game, whether its the title screen, a regular screen, a secret screen, it doesn't matter. You can put in the description of your screenshot "this is a secret" or something if you'd like.

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