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Messages - tehjman1993

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Announcements / Re: The Wannabes auto hosting discussion
« on: September 28, 2016, 05:18:07 PM »
Just read through everything here and thanks for posting your thoughts, sorry about being so vague on some of the topics.

With the language thing, with broadcaster language I meant the option in your twitch dashboard. Changing that would change the language requirement for the chat and everything which I think is bad for the team. Of course multiple languages are fine, as long as you don't change the setting.

About increasing the requirements, I don't mean in terms of skill. In fact, the skill requirement is very arbitrary in the first place, it's mostly there to make sure the person in question is actually "serious" about fangames and doesn't just play them for a week and never again just to leech hosts. When I talk about increasing the requirements I mostly just mean about their activity within the community, personally I don't know if it's a good idea to accept someone who no one knows about. The person should at least be semi-known within the community. Having a follower / viewer requirement? Absolutely not, I'm heavily against this. And finally about the requirements, having a watchable stream would be further incentivized.

People who are removed from the team would be able to instantly join back if they wish, without needing to apply or anything.

When it comes to banning follower alerts, this is mostly to tell people that follower alerts are bad and hurt you more than they help. Smaller streamers might not realize this and think that the alerts are actually helping. Banning follower alerts sort of helps these streamers understand.

Also a few of your questions are answered here, sorry I forgot to link it in the OP httpss://

I'm glad we are in agreement with the multiple languages. It really does open the community up to others! English, however, should most certainly be the primary language used on the team.

I still believe the "semi-known" requirement is not defined enough. This would imply a follower / viewer requirement, which you stated that you are against (so am I). In order to keep a rigid team structure and requirement list, you need to be able to define everything you want from new applicants, as well as applying those rules to current team members. A watchable stream, in terms of quality (moreso bitrate) is worth mentioning to new applicants.

I'm also glad the auto-rejoin for members who were previously on the team is considered here.

My biggest distance in opinion, however, has been regarding the alerts. I actually think you are in agreement with me, Den. Yes, we've seen time after time again that a majority of people do not want a follower alert, and can be a turn-off for new followers. I, as well as basically everyone in this thread, understands that. However, you seem to imply that you want to make new applicants aware of how detrimental it can be. I think a ban on this is taking this too far - why can you not state to them, "we want you to know that not a lot of team members here use a follower alert because we believe it does more harm than good, but you are free to use whatever you want on your stream." This would be a much more appropriate way of handling this.

I also still have one question on the auto-host that wasn't made 100% clear by the article - if you are hosting someone manually, and then you go offline, will the auto-host wait 3 minutes and then override your manual host? The wording in the article is a little confusing, so I'm not entirely sure.

Edit: Thank you Zebbe! That clears it up quite a bit.

Announcements / Re: The Wannabes auto hosting discussion
« on: September 28, 2016, 10:18:11 AM »
Hello all,

I want to comment on some of Den's points that are up for discussion, as well as comment on the auto-host feature.

First, on the subject of the auto-host:

There is no "bad side" to auto-hosting that I can think of. Auto-hosting is just one of a variety of ways we can promote other team members. Auto-hosting has been used by other communities via a bot for quite some time now, this is nothing new for Twitch. I do believe that auto-hosting can get a little stale after some time if the same broadcaster is being auto-hosted for weeks or months at a time from your channel, however, there still is no "downside" to it. Auto-hosting cannot lose you viewers - you're already offline! Although I am skeptical of Twitch's claim of an "average of 10% increase of viewership for 50% of participants" (which is already poorly worded in a small case study done over a short period of time, red flags everywhere), I think this is an overall positive change for us to adapt to in the community.

On the topic of new team "requirements" and suggestions:

I believe inactive members should be booted from the Twitch team at this time. However, I also believe if these inactive members become active again, a re-application to the team should be accepted immediately.

Den is quite vague on "increase of requirements", so I'm not entirely sure what is meant here. This could mean a higher bottom-line for skill (I am against this), more streaming experience (stream quality comes to mind, I am for this), or being more-known in the community (potentially suggesting a higher follower/average viewer count, I am against this). Clarification would be great on this point, but I think the 3 areas I listed here are probably what comes to mind under this new requirement, along with my stance on each.

A removal of members who do not meet requirements sounds a bit shifty. This will probably not apply to the "skill" portion of the requirements, and probably doesn't meet the "known" requirement (since you really can't be less-known ... I think), so this probably refers to streamers who have downgraded in quality of stream for a variety of reasons. Although I am not completely against this, I believe this needs to be treated on an extreme case-by-case basis. I really haven't observed anyone who "fell below" the requirements, other than inactivity, which has already been discussed above.

I do believe English should be the primary language of streamers on the team. However, I wholeheartedly support streamers who use 2 or more languages on their stream in an attempt to reach other communities. I have met many wonderful streamers from the French community who played Boshy and some wonderful streamers from the Russian community who ask questions about Kamilia constantly, among others. Many of these streams you will see with [EN/FR] or [EN/RU], or something similar in their title to signify that they are essentially running two communities in their stream at the same time. This should be encouraged, and opens up our team to a wider audience.

Banning the broadcaster on the team from using any alert is simply an overreach of power. Den cited streambig, a popular site for streaming tips by iateyourpie (great variety streamer). Although many do not like follower alerts, this is no reason to ban. A majority of people don't like strawberry ice cream, either - so you can't eat it on stream? Simply put, this is way too far of a requirement. I personally no longer use follower alerts after seeing how they did not benefit me as much as I liked - but that's not to say I shouldn't be allowed to use them.

I'd like to hear more community input on these matters, as I hope I'm not the only one who holds some of these opinions!

The Lounge / Re: Video Game Electronic Remix (3 hour mix)
« on: September 16, 2016, 02:51:53 PM »
Seph, this is awesome. Thank you!

Tournaments / Re: Kid of the Hill - A new type of speedrun event!
« on: August 25, 2016, 10:45:36 AM »
Maybe what we can do is have as many players as possible racing, but only display 4 streams at 1 single time. These 4 people would be the current race leaders. When say, someone chokes really badly and loses his spot in the top 4 for say, a minute, the stream would go to the person who goes into the fourth place. Anyways can't wait to see this happen. Gonna be real good.

This would be ridiculously hard to pull off, and impractical for more than 7-8 racers. While this would be a "true" top 4 race stream, I believe this is too difficult to do.

I love the idea and thanks for making entertaining events :atkHappy:

Otherwise, i can understand that only 4 persons can be stream at the same time, so we could stream the king, then the first 3 fastest times on since they prove their potential to bop the king (like a reward). Then beside, we could allow everyone as challenger, i mean, the more the merrier, since the main idea is to have fun together.

And i propose FangameMarathon twitch channel for featuring the event. I mean this twitch channel is made for people who may not know about fangames in general. And by showing this event on this twitch channel, it shows the fangame community is active and can make great thing beside marathon. Just throwing an idea ^^.

About streaming multi participants (2 or 4), just out of curiosity, is it possible to add a (tiny) sound icon to the participant where the sound comes out ? I saw it on a last marathon (i dont remember if it is gdq or ESA, i think it's ESA), but as a viewer, it's really enjoyable to know where the sound is coming out.

A 4-person stream is the idea we're rolling with now, so don't worry! This would of course be the King vs. the top 3 times submitted to during the race week.

FangameMarathon's channel was only used for the marathon, and we would like to keep it that way. Also, since this event will most likely lack a RTMP server, everyone who is racing will be live on Twitch anyway. We're still working out the details here.

The sound icon is a great idea on the stream. The race leader's audio will most likely be used (out of the 4 on stream), so we'll be sure to consider this icon on the layout when we have it made. Thanks!

Tournaments / Re: Kid of the Hill - A new type of speedrun event!
« on: August 24, 2016, 03:40:46 PM »
What would you think of letting all people participate for the "hill-spot" in the weekly race? Instead a 1v1 race. And the week before is solely used for practice and submissions on the leadboards?

This is definitely an option, but then the question becomes who do we stream? Of course we could stream the current King, but who else would we feature? Or would we keep the same layout, but allow anyone who wins the race to become King?

You could maybe display the king and the 3 fastest people on the leaderboards. This way you increase the chance of showing the winner on stream. I also think it's more enjoyable to watch 4 people race at once instead of 2.

I definitely like the idea of this though.

This is possible! No more than 4, however - the game becomes very hard to see on the same screen (and keeping 4 streams active can take a toll on internet!) Personally I would prefer 2, but 4 is viable.

Tournaments / Re: Kid of the Hill - A new type of speedrun event!
« on: August 24, 2016, 02:26:06 PM »
What would you think of letting all people participate for the "hill-spot" in the weekly race? Instead a 1v1 race. And the week before is solely used for practice and submissions on the leadboards?

This is definitely an option, but then the question becomes who do we stream? Of course we could stream the current King, but who else would we feature? Or would we keep the same layout, but allow anyone who wins the race to become King?

Sounds neat but I fear the list would just be full of easy games no one runs instead of the more difficult and popular games

I hope that not all of the games are 25 or 30 difficulty fangames. We aim on taking fangames that do have some difficulty in them - like NANG! Of course, this will exclude fangames that are pretty exclusive in difficulty, such as the ever-popular K3. But when it comes to picking a pool of fangames, we'll make sure we have a good spread of difficulty. This won't include super easy (see: Hunyaapunpun) games, but won't include very precise (see: Kill the Needle Game) games.

Tournaments / Kid of the Hill - A new type of speedrun event!
« on: August 24, 2016, 11:35:43 AM »
Hello everyone,

In our never-ending pursuit of fun community events, we believe we may have something to satisfy your need for such an event!

We would like to propose a new 2-month speedrunning event: Kid of the Hill!

Kid of the Hill is a spin on the classic "King of the Hill" style of tournament play.

What does King of the Hill mean?

King of the Hill is a style of tournament play that typically involves the #1 seeded participant vs. any other participant in an effort to hold their spot as #1. If they win, they keep their spot (their "hill"), if not, the one who beats them is crowned as #1. This is a classic KOTH-style event.

So how does this relate to Kid of the Hill?

We want to use this KOTH style of play and implement it into a challenge of speedrunning various fangames. Here's how it will work:

-A pool of 25 fangames is chosen from us, the event organizers. This pool is public knowledge, and will include fangames of varying skill levels.

-A King will be chosen for the first round, and the King will decide 1 week before they race what fangame will be played out of the pool of fangames provided.

-After a fangame has been chosen for the week, that game will be announced to all participants and everyone will have exactly 1 week to run the chosen game and get the fastest time possible.

-Runners are to submit their best times to at any time during the week, up until the day before the race.

-The runner (that is not the current King) that submits the fastest time to is chosen as the "challenger" to the King for the race on the next day.

-The race will be featured on a Twitch Channel (TBD) as King vs. Challenger (think of the 2-player races on our fangame marathon layout!)

-If the King wins, they stay King. If the Challenger wins, they become the new King.

-The race is open to all participants, however, only the challenger may knock the King off of the Hill on any given week. So if you happen to beat the King but you are not the challenger, better luck next time!

-Immediately following the race, the King that is determined from the race will pick another fangame from the pool, and we start a new week of racing.


Does this sound like a fun event to participate in? This would require no sign-ups, just show up and play! I believe it both gives our community a unique race feel to it, and promotes both racing and submissions to's fangames.

Let us know what you think in this thread. This thread is solely for feedback and suggestion purposes - all information-related material relating to this event will be posted in a different thread once dates and times are set. We would really like to know if this would have a lot of runners! You can also ask questions about the event at our channels, or

TJ & Fireball

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: Helpful Streaming Tools
« on: July 21, 2016, 06:40:13 PM »
I have nothing but positive things to say about TA's (TwitchAlert's) chat box (

Using the CLR Browser source plugin (httpss://, you can easily take the URL provided by TA and put it into the CLR browser, and boom - instant chat. This chat works very much in the same way as the NightDev chat did back when that was popular, but TA allows users to customize their chat extremely easily while not changing the URL to use in the plugin. There's various options for different color schemes and for a large variety of sizes. It is really a simple way to get an on-screen chat efficiently and with great uptime (as opposed to NightDev's chat, which went down for me quite frequently).

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: Roulette Streaks
« on: July 15, 2016, 04:14:09 PM »
I think some people are getting the wrong idea about roulette streaks - you can make up your own rules! I should clarify here that although Den has provided a basic ruleset, this doesn't mean you have to follow it exactly. I've seen a lot of people both on these forums and on Twitch asking about the "rules" for roulette streaks and if option A is allowed or if option B is not allowed. The whole point of this idea was to make playing a random fangame more fun, the ruleset is arbitrary. If you want 5 skips instead of 4, go for it. Autofire? Why not. A no-avoidance-only-game rule? Sure. As long as you have fun, go nuts. There's no leaderboard, no official ranking, no prestige involved with roulette streaking. Just have fun!

Meet and Greet! / Re: Ahoy!
« on: June 30, 2016, 02:49:36 PM »
A Jestreloon game? :PogChamp:

Tournaments / Re: Fangame Marathon 2016 Wrap-Up/Future Considerations
« on: June 14, 2016, 03:09:23 PM »
I think people in the community, especially on the Twitch team should not be streaming during the marathon and hosting it to show their support.  I was extremely agitated to find people on the team streaming during the marathon, not in relation to it whatsoever.

What? Why would I be forced to quit streaming for a whole weekend just because I didnt want to watch most of the runs? Its not like any of us "rebels" stole viewers from the marathon, everyone from my chat for example were also watching FGM or told me they dont want to watch it.

I mostly heard and saw positive things about the marathon, so good job. My only question though is why some people get 4-10 hours of stream time and then runs like biotope from gludraq get rejected.

That's an oddly specific run to point out, but nonetheless I can answer your question.

We ask that runners give us a time slot of when they are available, such as Saturday 12:00-6:00 PM EDT and Sunday 8:00-10:00 AM EDT. They also submit up to 5 runs that they are comfortable doing in this marathon. As you could probably guess, it gets very hairy trying to schedule runs in someone's available time block. Any runs that were rejected were 100% due to time constraints, not the content of the game. We, at no point in this marathon, scheduled a run to start outside of any runner's preferred time. The one goal we had for this marathon was to allow every runner to get at least 1 of their runs in, no matter how many they submitted. We achieved this goal. This is why runs such as Biotope, unfortunately, did not make the cut. I personally think Biotope is a fine game to have in a marathon, but time is on no one's side here! This is also why many events of the marathon were moved to a "bonus" stream -- we simply did not have enough time.

For those that received more time than others, your comment seems to allude to some underlying tone of favoritism, which was most certainly not done when organizing this schedule. I don't even think we looked at the names most of the time when putting people in time slots. Generally, those that received more air time than others did two things: 1.) Gave us an extremely large time window to schedule them in, and 2.) Submitted a large amount of games. Fulfilling both of this criteria is almost certain to result in more time for the runner.

I hope this answers your question.

Regarding the whole "don't stream during marathon" topic going on in here - this is not related to Fangame Marathon directly. The purpose of this thread is to receive feedback directly related to the marathon itself, from planning to organization to execution. Please try to keep it as such. Thanks!

Tournaments / Fangame Marathon 2016 Wrap-Up/Future Considerations
« on: June 13, 2016, 11:51:11 AM »
Hello aiwanna community,

We have finally concluded this year's Fangame Marathon. We hope you enjoyed the crazy events and runs we had during the marathon! Some runs left us in complete awe, such as Nader's Sunpossible Churatch clear or the 3-second difference in the Uhuhu 2 race!

The channel was viewed by both veteran players and new players alike - we received over 1,000 new follows over the course of the marathon with a large amount of new players asking questions such as, "What are these games?", "Where do I download them?", and "How many of these type of games are there?" Our community was extremely responsive to new players, and I congratulate you for that. The schedule itself went very well - despite a slight rocky start, we were largely on-schedule (no more than 15 minutes off at any given point) when transitioning between runs. This marathon was simply fantastic, thank you!

What was your favorite part of the marathon? Let us know in the comments below!


Regarding some questions that have been asked frequently:

When is the next Fangame Marathon? Is this a yearly thing?

While it seems as if Fangame Marathon has indeed turned into a yearly thing, I cannot say with certainty what will become of this event. Therefore, the next Marathon event is unannounced. This does not mean there will be no future events!

I missed a run! Do you have the VODs up anywhere?

The VODs for the marathon will be up on Fangame Marathon's twitch page in the very near future. In addition to this, the VODs will be uploaded to YouTube and put into a playlist for easy viewing! There is also the development of a highlight reel for this marathon, which will include your favorite events - from awe-inspiring to downright hilarious. This will also be available on YouTube in the near future.


Some considerations for future events (relating to last year's event, and looking forward):

Self-Promotions: This went way better than last year's event. We did not have anyone go overboard with advertising for their own channel. In fact, some runners did not plug their own channel at all! Overall I am very impressed with the improvement from last year. Halfway through the marathon, FFZ enabled a button to follow the runner directly from the marathon's twitch page, so we hope this helped bring exposure to your channel.

Time Estimates: Excellent estimates, hands-down. No more discussion is needed here.

Variety of Games: Also excellent. There were little (or no) complaints regarding the variety of games shown on the marathon. We believe the extra events and other non-speedrun events (such as Pat's Fangame Demonstration) really helped with this over last year's event. Great job! We hope that future events would emulate the style of diversity in games that this year's event did.

Spam and memes: Overall, very contained and appropriate. Towards the end of the marathon we had a few inappropriate copy-pastas started up, but these were quickly squelched and not started again. The moderation did a fantastic job, and the community was very respectful towards the runners. We are very proud of this, great job!

Professional Attitudes: Fantastic attitudes displayed by both our runners and our community viewing the event. I have zero examples to point out of someone going too far with a comment, excessively cursing, etc. We hope that future events would emulate the attitudes displayed during this event.

The RTMP server: Let's face it - the marathon set off on the wrong foot. We had to delay the starting time and pan out server issues. However, for the rest of the marathon, this server was fine for all other broadcasters. We are not entirely sure what happened in the beginning with the server issues. Despite this, the server held up very well for the rest of the marathon, and I would encourage use of this style of broadcasting in future events. I believe Twitch was also undergoing a few connection issues over the weekend (read: E3), so this is largely out of our control.

New Players/Viewers: We had a large amount of new viewers for this marathon, as stated above. I am extremely impressed by the community's willingness to open their arms to new players and invite them into the community. In fact, I received quite a few comments throughout the marathon stating that they are "very happy" the chat didn't belittle them because they asked a "new player" question. We hope that some of these new players find their way to these forums, as well as our twitch team. Thank you, community!


Did I miss anything? Let us know what you want to talk about in the comments below. We ask that you do not directly tie any names to any consideration listed above, nor to any consideration you may want to talk about. Please feel free to type anything on your mind regarding the marathon, we want as much feedback as possible to make future events even better. Last year's comments really helped us shape this event into a better one!

Thanks again, community. We are very proud.

User-Made Creations / Re: I wanna run the Marathon
« on: June 13, 2016, 11:30:34 AM »
This game is fantastic - a great addition to the marathon. If you like adventure games, I strongly suggest giving this a play!

The day of Fangame Marathon is here! We hope you'll use this thread to discuss anything/everything to with the marathon as it unfolds in the coming hours!

Get as many of your friends to come join us at and hashtag us on twitter as #FangameMarathon to kick off this wonderful event - now with more runs!

We hope you're super excited, as this has been a lot of planning, preparation, and stress from all of the crew working on games, events, and scheduling. We are super thankful to anyone who helped out for the event.

If you're a runner - good luck in the coming hours! We know you've been practicing and preparing for this event, and we're sure you'll do great. Remember that this event is about having fun and celebrating our community - so don't hold back! Just remember to keep your stream appropriate for a teen audience, thanks!

Oh, 24 hours until the event.


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