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Messages - klazen108

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The Lounge / Re: Will I wanna's work on Windows 10?
« on: July 30, 2015, 09:01:09 AM »
When I tested windows 10 in a virtual machine a month or two ago, I also didn't get the infamous windows 8 crash when too many sound effects play. I haven't gotten a chance to test it on a live machine yet, it would be nice to hear confirmation on that!

Engines / Re: I Wanna Be the Engine KS Edition (For GMStudio)
« on: July 30, 2015, 08:57:32 AM »
Can you give any detail? Make sure you've at least taken it out of the zip file, and if it doesn't load when you double click the gmx project file to open, try opening game maker studio and then opening the project from inside. If there's an error message please post that.

The playerStart object creates the player using a Room Start event, which happens after all instances in the room have completed their Create events. This means that when you try to freeze the player, the playerStart object hasn't made one yet! And if you moved your code to the Room Start event, there's no guarantee that the playerStart object will have done it's code first. So yes, you'll need to create the player yourself in your cutscene code, just like sandsky pointed out. (Or you could make a new playerStart object that does the same thing as the normal one, except also sets frozen=true)

P.S. I approve of that object's name :Kappa:

Engines / Re: I wanna be the Engine Seph Edition
« on: July 28, 2015, 12:10:35 AM »
This is an indication that you're missing game maker's rundata file. You'll need to reinstall game maker if this occurs.

Engines / Re: I Wanna Be the Engine KS Edition (For GMStudio)
« on: July 28, 2015, 12:09:39 AM »
Just sent you a reply in your other thread, this helps because now it'll be easier to find if anyone else has save issues, instead of having to read through this whole thread (which on one will ever do :Kappa: )

For the save/load scripts, just save global.clear (no array) - you just want to put that one value in the file.

For the world create event, use global.menuClear[] instead of global.clear - the game is crashing because you were defining it as an array in the world create, but using it as a single variable in the save/load files. Using a different name here will fix that. The menu values are for display only, they're not used beyond the main menu.

As for why it's getting the room number - this is because of the order you're loading it in. in the world create, it opens the save file, then does this:
Code: [Select]
global.menuDeath[i] = first value in file
global.menuTime[i] = second value in file
global.menuDiff[i] = third value in file
global.menuClear[i] = fourth value in file

And if you look in the save/load scripts, you'll see that it saves the room value fourth, so when you read it in the menu, it's getting that room value. Again, using a menuClear array in the world create will solve this.

Now, to make sure that the menu can read it, you should move the clear value save/load to the fourth position in the file:
Code: [Select]
if (!dyingSave) { //only save death,time for dying save
    FS_file_bin_write_byte(f,global.clear); //////put clear here so it's the fourth value in the file
    FS_file_bin_write_byte(f,player.image_xscale+1); //+1 so -1=0, 1=2; bytes have no sign
    //new values go under here
    FS_file_bin_write_byte(f,global.hasPartner); //just a thing for the game I'm making

Do the same for the load script, and do the same for anything you want to appear in the menu screen.

So, here's the todo list:
  • For the world create event, use global.menuClear[] instead of global.clear
  • Use global.clear (not array) in save/load scripts
  • Move global.clear to fourth position in save/load scripts

Try that out and let me know if it solves your issue!

Engines / Re: I Wanna Be the Engine KS Edition (For GMStudio)
« on: July 27, 2015, 12:26:39 AM »
You should probably make a separate topic on how to save, since I've tested loading/saving in the engine and know it works. But the "clear" variable should not be an array, and if it's getting the room value in it, you probably are saving/loading out of order. Make a new topic with your code and I'll be happy to help there!

The Lounge / Re: Something to do with a laptop keyboard
« on: July 26, 2015, 01:10:16 AM »
This sounds like it could be a case of keyboard ghosting, wherein a set of keys uses the same wires, and pressing too many at once results in no more keys in that set being read. Sadly this is a hardware limitation, there's no way around it other than to get a new keyboard

Engines / Re: I Wanna Be the Engine KS Edition (For GMStudio)
« on: July 26, 2015, 01:06:58 AM »
If you want to add something to the save/load scripts, it has to be symmetrical. Remember that game maker has no idea how your save file is laid out, it's just reading values off of a list. Make sure to put it before the closing bracket for "dyingSave" - that's there to only save your death/time when you die, and nothing else. Here's how you do it:
(click to show/hide)

Think of it like this:
Code: [Select]
Open file
Put A in file
Put B in file
Put C in file
Close File
Code: [Select]
Open file
Read something from file, put it in A
Read something from file, put it in B
Read something from file, put it in C
Close File

Once you've added that value to the scripts, you can use it in game. So just add a "global.clear" value to the scripts, then check it when drawing the menu to see if you should display the clear message, and set it to true when you beat the game, and you're done!

Off Topic / Re: Is Game Maker 8.1 Pro available to get anymore?
« on: July 24, 2015, 09:44:10 PM »
Just switch to GMS instead, its free version isn't crippled.

Programming Questions / Re: Help with a boss attack
« on: July 24, 2015, 12:58:13 PM »
In GM8/8.1, every time you save your file, it copies the old version to a gb1 first.

In GMS, it keeps the last 5 versions in the folder Stepcore mentioned, so even if you accidentally save a corrupted version you're still safe. Make sure to manually backup yourself too at major milestones! Say you finish stage 1 & boss 1, zip that project up and keep it nearby, just in case disaster strikes. It's a good habit to get in to, along with saving in GM often.

Jump defreshers? :O

Engines / Re: I Wanna Be the Engine KS Edition (For GMStudio)
« on: July 14, 2015, 09:19:59 PM »
Whenever I update, i'll keep a list of everything that's changed and include the code in a post here so you can always grab it like that. Should never be any huge changes!

EDIT: I have received confirmation from yoyogames that the collision detection is changing for version 1.4.1598. Therefore, if you're using version 0.9 or earlier of the KS engine, you must use GM Studio version 1.4.1567. I am working on a fix for 1.4.1598, and I'll maintain both versions until 1.4.1598 is officially released.

Engines / Re: I Wanna Be the Engine KS Edition (For GMStudio)
« on: July 14, 2015, 08:50:19 PM »
I've already began development with 0.8 of the engine, is there a way I can just get what code was changed so I don't have to start over?
Just the code for the platform bug fix.

Yeah, check this post - you just need to update the player's end step event for the platform fix.

Engines / Re: I Wanna Be the Engine KS Edition (For GMStudio)
« on: July 14, 2015, 07:00:55 PM »
Warning note: to anyone experiencing Stepcore's issues of aligns not working, check your Gamemaker Studio version (it's in the title bar). If you're on 1.4.1598, downgrade to 1.4.1567. 1598 is a beta version, and therefore not guaranteed to be stable. I have submitted a bug report to yoyogames regarding the issue, and hope to see it fixed before the changes in 1598 are rolled into the stable branch.

You will probably need to uninstall gamemaker, then install this version. Make sure you pick that you want to recieve updates from the stable channel - right click the GMS icon in your system tray, and choose "Stable Update Channel":

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