Hello, I'm HAEGOE, and this is the fangame I made.
httpss://skydrive.live.com/?cid=F0EEACB9016C73B1&id=F0EEACB9016C73B1%21111you can download it there.
- Six stages and bosses
- Some stages has more than 2 ways to get to the boss. You can choose path where you want to go.
- 4 difficulties(Simple, Regular, Difficult, Not For Humans)
- Simple is the easiest difficulty. It has savepoints where I think beginners need.
- Regular is the standard difficulty. It has 0~2 savepoint for 1 room(Usually 1)
- Difficult is the hardest one for humans. It has only one savepoint before and right after each bosses.
- Not For Humans is... literally not for humans. It doesn't have any savepoints at all.
- Achievements(In this version, you have 34 achievements, and I'm going to make more achievements)
- Auto/Manual Shot selections
- Hidden Items (You can get them by shooting at them. There is a glitch about Items, and I'm going to fix it)
- Rank system (You can See your rank after you cleared all of the game)
Cautions(things I think you're not gonna like)
- Intricate Spikes.(In my defense, There's not 100% spikes in this game and I'm going to replace some of them)
- Fruits exists.
- Some triggers act as a key : You need to activate it to get through.

First Stage

An example of paths

Nice Level Design ;D

One of the Boss

Now making this game is done, and I think it's time for refining. If you give me feedback, I'll apply it to the next update, if possible.
Useless stupid bonus quiz : Those Screenshots have been taken from the 'Simple' difficulty. O if correct, X if incorrect1.3 version update :
- A new attack is added to Foon.
- New attacks are added to Dr. Eggman.
- some of the attacks are changed to Yu & Rei. (Hope it became less annoying)
- A Savepoint added in Stage 2(Right Before the Boss)
- Backgrounds and grounds has been changed in Stage 2 : background has been darkened in the room before boss.
- elavator part in stage 4 is changed a little so that you won't be glitched up and die stupidly by elavators
1.3 version preview

Foon's New attack

Let's say thank you for knuckles who sacrificed his intellegence
one of Dr. Eggman's new attack

changes in elavator part
1.4 version update:
- You can shoot the Blue wisp and remove it(But Rei will summon another, So you need to keep shooting it down until you clear them)
- HAEGOE's HP reduced(600 → 500)
-First Phase HP reduced (100 → 50)
-Second Phase HP reduced(200 → 150)
- HAEGOE's Final Phase has changed. It will stay up and keep shooting the bullets, and you can take it down by shooting the cores it summoned.
It became a little harder, but if you can dodge its old final phase attacks, I'm sure you can dodge this too.
- HAEGOE's Second Phase has changed. It will shoot bullets as it teleports, and RNG bullet pops became harder to avoid. Instead, you will given more time to shoot it.
- Warning aboout Boss' HP is added. Almost every boss has significantly high HP, and It's hard to reduce HP for every boss, so I added a warning instead.
- Final Stage's BGM has changed. I thought the old BGM was fit the stage, but It doesn't give you any tension.
1.4 version preview

warning about HP and Auto/manual fires

when you shoot HAEGOE there will be a green explosion effect

New way to attack HAEGOE(for final phase only)

Now HAEGOE will make some green explotions when it's down
Tell me if it has bugs I couldn't catch, and as always, giving me feedbacks would be nice.