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Messages - HAEGOE

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There is one attack that he summons some whirlwinds right behind you, and if you go right or left just when he summons it.. well you are screwed. I suggest to change that attack or make it more predictable
right behind you? I don't remember making that attack. Do you mean summoning 5 whirlwinds? then you need observe which of them bursts faster. the bursting time is always the same, so once you find out, it won't be so hard.
If you don't mean that, please tell me what do you mean(as detail as possible, so I can find out)

Help, Suggestions & Feedback / Re: POLL 3: Website Name Rebrand?
« on: February 09, 2014, 03:27:37 AM »
first voter!!!!
damn.. you gave me no choice.. I call second!!!

Game Design / Re: Upcoming Fangame Contest
« on: February 09, 2014, 01:52:31 AM »
Do I need video response with my face when I apply for judges, too? I just don't like showing my face online, even if hundreds of dollars depend on it.(edit : And I'm not a good fangame maker anyways)

Although I'm able to clear fangames made by me, I think I'm not so good at others.. is that OK?

Glad you like it. Sorry I'm late... May I ask, did you make it all now? or... later stages are not good?

General Games / Re: My hill
« on: February 04, 2014, 02:33:05 AM »
I called SCP-10101 for help and he kindly exterminated Nazi zombies

My hill

The water physics seemed a bit better than the previous version and putting the save point in the wall of that room helped a lot.
glad to hear that. Tell me more things to improve, and If that's a must(Fatal bug or something like that), I'll do it. If not, I'll give you a hint instead.

and now I've saw you doing stage 6, There's something I must tell you.
(click to show/hide)

Let's talk about your boss...Hsien-Ko.

This fight isn't working man.   First off the chain attack where he slams the ground is complete horse shit.  The warning time is practically zero, and if you are in the air when he calls it your guaranteed to be dead as you land.  Also it's silly that I can hit the boss anytime except the one time he is standing still channeling that attack.   The color switching idea is good but implemented is an erratic way that kills any possible enjoyment of the gimmick.

That attack near the end where he splits, just pure RNG garbage determines whether you live or die.  Also just like your alst game, you give the bosses way too much HP and force the player to spam or use an autofire script.  Why not just use immunity frames like a normal game so people don't have to destroy their keyboards and wrists trying to kill a boss with inflated HP and mash mechanics.
Thank you for your two comments. But there's something you need to know about Hsien-ko.
0(minor thing) : Hsien-ko is female. maybe I just used sprites from Super Gem Fighter version so that her gender was unnoticeable.

1. her boss is that high because you can give her 2 damages under certain condition. So, Her practical hp is 75.
(click to show/hide)
if you think overall(Not just hers, but others' as well) HP is still too high(except Bowser : you have another way to kill him, use that), I'm trying to do 'double damage, More immunity mode'(technically every boss has immunity time, just short enough to prevent autofire) by toggling F8(So that you can conveniently turn on an off DDI mode.

2. Technically that's just her fake self. She does the same move with her real self, all of which is pointless and harmless(even touching her is safe if she is fake). All she does is making you not easy to find real and fake. she doesn't even get hit (to prevent from her taking all your bullets and never hits the real one). and my original intention was to find the real one and finish her.

3.  About that image there, I'm afraid you need to be patient there. Sorry. All I can do for there is apologizing.

Sorry to ask, has the kid's physics improved?
edit : never mind, I saw your stream and I'll take it as a no. Now What's wrong..

User-Made Creations / Re: I wanna be the C. Z. Outrageous(1.1 Ver)
« on: January 29, 2014, 02:11:27 AM »
1.1 version is up!
I tried to make kid's physics like yuuutu edition for one who's used to that, and if you miss yosniper's physics, I'll do something to switch from yuuutu and yosniper's as you want in the option room.. but that would be big business and expecting that will actually happen won't be such a good idea..

Game Design / The Difference between Yosniper's and Yuuutu Engine
« on: January 28, 2014, 06:00:59 PM »
I found some similarities and differences between Yosniper's and Yuuutu's Engine.

Similarities :
kid's walking speed is 3
First jump and second jump speed is 8.5/7 respectfully
gravity is 0.4

Yosniper's engineYuuutu engine
Falling Speed Max89
vjump multiplier0.50.45
underwater gravity0.250.4(assumed)
underwater jump speed3.58.5(water)/7(water2)
djump possiblity when you
 jump outside the water
max falling speed underwater82(water)/2(water2)
This may not be all, but changing those help making the kid's physics like yuuutu.
Tell me if something's wrong or I missed something.

edit : title modified - Yuuutu's Engine ->Yuuutu engine

General Games / Re: I ban you because...
« on: January 28, 2014, 04:54:45 PM »
banned for changing what I said

User-Made Creations / Re: I wanna be the C. Z. Outrageous(Proto Ver)
« on: January 27, 2014, 09:40:59 PM »
about the engine, I have the yuuutu engine, so I think I can do something about the water, at least.
and I'll modify that room you said so that you don't have to wait for it.

Edit : I did the water, and I think I found out the difference between Yosniper and Yuuutu. I think I can make the kid's jump physics just like Yuuutu version. If that's what you want.

And something else : Vote Now. Only one vote says I need more savepoints in the regular doesn't make me think all of you said so.

User-Made Creations / Re: I wanna be the C. Z. Outrageous(Proto Ver)
« on: January 27, 2014, 08:06:57 PM »
If you don't like the water mechanics, I'll do what I can do. Do I have to make the yuuutu version of the water?
and about stage 4, I'll rearrange water to wait less time(making the first spike blue so that you can pass the first one without waiting)

And if you're suffering from 1 save per room, All I can say for now is 'If you're playing regular, try simple first.' The savepoint policy is exactly like ooparts(if you think that's the problem, tell me): multiple in Simple, one for one room in regular, one before and after in difficult, no save in not for humans.

Actually there is a savepoint in hole of the stage 4, It's just a 'wuss' save.

Maybe this is because I didn't made simple as the default difficulty. Sorry for All the trouble and inconvenience.

Edit : I made poll about savepoint policy in Regular and Difficult. I'm not adding more savepoints in simple, Do not ask me that.

User-Made Creations / Re: I wanna be the C. Z. Outrageous(Proto Ver)
« on: January 27, 2014, 09:05:24 AM »
Actually it has 'simple' difficulty. if you're new to this game, I recommend this. Maybe I should place Simple for default... do I?

And for the second stage, I'll rearrange the tileset so it will be less misleading. Sorry. I should have placed it more carefully..

Later part of the Stage includes some Default tileset and color-swapped version of them. I'm afraid you will have to go through with it.


You can download it there.

It's my new fangame and reason why OOPARTS 1.5 ver is endlessly postponed.
C. Z. Outrageousness Stands For Contemporary Zenith Outrageousness.

It contains 8 stages(including boss rush), and 8 boss(bosses with multiple phases are counted as 1)
It's Sometimes Gimmicky, Sometimes Spiky, Sometimes Trappy kind of game.

It has 4 difficulties, name and policy of each difficulties are same with ooparts(Simple with multiple save in 1 room, Regular with 1 save per 1 room, Difficult with 1 save before and after the boss, and NOT FOR HUMANS with no save at all)

Caution : RNG MADNESS. I modified and nerfed the random attacks to make it need less luck, but they're still RNG, hard, and sometimes just Crappy, So you'll need to deal with it.

Bug reports welcome

(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

1.1ver update log
- Default difficulty changed to 'Simple'
- Kid's physics changed(similar to Yuuutu version)
- Stage 2 tileset changed(so that you can find out it's all 32X32)
- Stage 4 Spike array changed(in the underwater climbing up section)
- Stage 5 underwater array modified(to compensate for physics change)
- Savepoint(wuss) added in some areas to compensate for physics change
- Savepoint(normal) added in some of the areas because people were suffering more than I expected.. sorry

Final ver update log
- You can press F12 to turn on/off the scream. also,
- Level indicator added. press F11 to turn on/off.
- Hsien-Ko's HP reduced(150->75)
 - Damage to her is also reduced(2->1)
 - and so did healing her(1->0.5)
 - Basically no difference, to make it more clear how to damage her
- You can't hear the Bullet hitting sound when your bullets are healing Hsien-ko.
- Goenitz's 5 whirlwind attack changed(3 warning signs appear first, 2 appear right after 3 bursts)
- Yu & Rei's fire disappears when they're down(red gone when yu is down and blue when rei is down)
- you can see how many boss points you need to gather
- on second phase of final battle, bosses will not go up anymore
- objects in final phase has been moved a little so you can see the whole text about them
- Savepoint location changed, removed unnecessary one(no hazard at all until next savepoint), added where needed to make it less boring
- if bullet hits the boss, a yellow effect will be showed.

you can download it there

Edit : There's a bug which key configuration resets when you reset or turn if off an back on. sorry. I don't know why this is happening. If you know why, please help me.

p.s. How Can I make a kid Icon Here?

Edit again : New Policy about Savepoints (Still,, Only Difference is the Regular one)

Simple - Savepoints Wherever I think you need
Regular - 1~3(Usually 1) savepoints. If you see more than 2 saves that means it's either next room has the Boss or It's too difficult to  go with 1 save
Difficult - Savepoints Before And After Boss

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