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Messages - HAEGOE

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Game Design / Re: I want your opinion
« on: January 21, 2014, 12:19:27 AM »
Alright, 2 says yes(under condition), 1 said no, 1 said I need an alternative, so... I'll having save for the final boss(And not in all difficulties)

I was trying to use autosave, but sometimes it became buggy, not autosaved, and go back to the first phase when press R.
So I'll put a savepoint(not hardcore one) and make it vanish in 3 seconds instead. Are you OK with it?

Game Design / Re: I want your opinion
« on: January 18, 2014, 06:22:19 AM »
It's not finished yet. I'm making this poll before releasing it. Now the second phase of the final boss is done, I'm currently working on the final phase. I'm going to release it after it's done.
I can post a screenshot for you, if you need it.

The title is 'I wanna be the Contemporary Zenith Outrageousness'.
You can call this 'C. Z. Outrageousness' or something else for short.

Game Design / Re: I want your opinion
« on: January 18, 2014, 05:50:56 AM »
Dunno, I've beated it on some older version, don't know how it is now.
If you mean I wanna get the OOPARTS II, I'm not taking about that. I'm making a new fangame, and this is about the final boss of that game.

Game Design / I want your opinion
« on: January 18, 2014, 05:40:35 AM »
I wrote it in the unfinished/incomplete section, but I thought writing here will be more helpful, so I removed that topic, and moved it here.

Now, the plan has became (relatively) more solid, so I'm putting my plan and question in spoiler part.

(click to show/hide)

p.s. Should I move it again to Help, Suggestions, and Feedback section?

General Games / Re: I ban you because...
« on: January 17, 2014, 08:37:33 PM »
banned because you're blaming the one to blame

General Games / Re: My hill
« on: January 15, 2014, 09:53:44 PM »

my hill

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: Western Fangame Rankings [W-Level]
« on: January 10, 2014, 04:33:10 AM »
I have a suggestion. How about Red for games ranked higher than M-Level, Blue for games ranked Lower, and Something else(Green for example) for unranked on korean list?
I think just a red letter for games ranked differently won't tell you whether the game is ranked higher or lower than the korean list if you don't read why and not everyone wants to read it. and I started to think my suggestion is pointless because not everyone wants to see if some games are higher or lower than the korean list either

I don't know if I got you straight, but about the type A, B, C, D  it is not about how the boss attacks, but it's how your bullets are going to attack the boss.
about the final boss it will still have the same hp and same phase. When it changes phases, it becomes a little transparent, spins, gives enough time to let the attacks of the old phases go away so that .(Actually it does exactly the same in current version)
And about your suggestions, I just considered that and thought that may be good : I worried that my current plan may make people avoid selecting B, and you gave me a solution for it.

Since I'm working on my new fangame, so I'm not confident that the 1.5 version will ever appear. And if next version appears, that will be the final, so if you come up with more, tell me as soon as you can.

User-Made Creations / Re: I Wanna Descend Into Hell
« on: December 31, 2013, 08:29:46 AM »
Well, I'm using Yosniper's Engine for my new fangame too, and I think I know the problem : he made the gravity weak when the kid is underwater, but the maximum fall speed is still 8.
Here's what I did to solve it.
Find the object player, and look for 'End step'(Is it says so in English? because I'm not using English version so I don't know)
anyway, next you find the 'else if place_meeting(x, y, water)'
there, the code says :
 else if place_meeting(x, y, water) {gravity = 0.25;}
if you find it, add this to there:
if vspeed>2{vspeed = 2;}
so the result will be this(this is exact same code with mine):
    else if place_meeting(x, y, water) {gravity = 0.25;if vspeed>2{vspeed = 2;}}

this may make the kid fall slower than before underwater(I didn't used the underwater gimmick yet so you'll need to test it yourself, and if you think 2 is too slow, you can change the number). of course, you can modify the 'maxFallSpeed' variable, but I didn't want to because I thought what I did was the more simple way.

I could do that, I suppose. How about these Idea? I could separate the modes into 4.

Type A : Auto Fire, Current Auto mode. Bullets Gives Bosses 1 damage. Invincibility time is pointless because you can't shoot faster than the Auto fire system allows you to.

Type B : Manual Fire-1. Current Manual Mode. No Invincibility time, Bullets Gives Bosses 1 damage.

Type C : Manual Fire-2. Short Invincibility time(0.1~0.2 second or so), Bullets Gives Bosses 2 damages.

Type D : Manual Fire-3. Long Invincibility time(1 second or so), Bullets Gives Bosses 10 damages.

I will have to Change A Lot, but if you say yes to this, I'll try my best. And, these numbers are just an example, so tell me if it's not balanced.

Next version will be the final version unless there's a fatal bug or something. So if you have something to say, Say it now before the final version releases.

User-Made Creations / Re: I wanna get the OOPARTS II 1.3 version
« on: December 26, 2013, 03:01:46 AM »
1.14 version is released. I did what I can do.
Long story short : Final became a little harder, but you can take it down in much less time than before

User-Made Creations / Re: I wanna get the OOPARTS II 1.3 version
« on: December 23, 2013, 07:37:56 AM »
Let's see if I got this straight. this is my new plan(based on what you said, so check me if I got you straight)

1. yu & rei(5th boss)
- make the blue wisp(fireball) removable by shooting it, but rei will summon another, so you'll have to keep shooting to remove it and have a stable fight.(since bosses can be hit by bullets 'for' it, so you'll have to find out yourself how to easily remove it)
- all voices became little more quiet.
and these may not happen if sega doesn't add them in puyo tetris. ...just kidding, but I truly wish they are added in it

2. HAEGOE(6th boss) :
- most of you said it has too high HP, but that was the original concept : give shock to you by having a HUGE HP.
- I'll reduce it for the first(50) and second(150) phase, and instead of reducing hp for the final, I'll add a gimmick to make you kill it easier and faster.
- it's second and final phase will become harder in to make up for it.
- the gimmick works this way : before it enters the final phase, it will spit some of its cores(which uses the portal sprites). cores are RNG attacks and they can kill you, and go away. but two of them is remains at the left and right end respectively, and you can kill HAEGOE by shooting them.
- I won't do it if most of you says not to do it, and I want you to choose both(harder attacks and lower HP) or neither.

3. Auto & manual fires
- Its hard to nerf all the HP, so I'll add a warning instead(better late than never) that says bosses has an extremely high HP and Auto is for light users and manual is for MasochistsHardcore users.

I'm not upset or annoyed by any negative feedbacks. I'm just a little confused by so many different comments in such a short time(more than I could handle)..

User-Made Creations / Re: I wanna get the OOPARTS II 1.3 version
« on: December 21, 2013, 03:33:00 AM »
maybe you're right. this is MY fangame, and being consistency will be better than being dragged by others.
but the problem is that many people says the same thing that final boss' HP is too high and attacks are not hard enough to keep up, so in this case, I think I should at least try to do something about it..

User-Made Creations / Re: I wanna get the OOPARTS II 1.3 version
« on: December 20, 2013, 07:53:34 PM »
Alright. let me see... now it's a little more than i can handle, but I think  I got the point.
about the death sound, I'll try to remove the death sound when you resurrect.
someone liked the 5th boss, some says they were harsh, and some hated them... that's.. a controversy..hmmm.. amd almost everyone says the final boss needs less HP. get that.

Here's my idea then, I'll make a new pattern using the blue wisp(fire thing) sprite in 5th boss, and the old one will go to extra chamber.

And for Final boss, I'll consider nerfing his HP to 450(no less), 100 for first phase and 150 for second, 200 for third. instead, it will become harder. you need to choose both or neither. OK?

and for extra chamber, no nerfs. no easier attacks, no lower HP. you'll need to suffer a lot to clear them.
It's optional and you don't need to clear them. just beating the final boss and seeing the ending means you cleared this game.

User-Made Creations / Re: I wanna get the OOPARTS II 1.3 version
« on: December 20, 2013, 06:01:38 PM »
I see. well, changing saves won't help who already did it, so I'll make moving fruits harmless for a short time, giving you time to avoid.
I think that would do it.

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