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Messages - patrickgh3

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Art & Graphics / Re: Drawings
« on: April 28, 2016, 05:07:30 AM »
I wanna kill the Kermit 2 fan art. One of my favorite fangames.

(click to show/hide)

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: Why does this keep happening??
« on: April 26, 2016, 12:55:58 PM »
If the platform is moving at a fractional speed (e.g. 1.5) then that might be the culprit. But yeah, just do it without the walk-off.

No, there's no technical limitation keeping the number of items to 8. I think it's just that 8 is a nice number for boss items. Games that aren't huge won't need more than 8, and 8 items also fit nicely into 2 rows on the file select screen. But most likely it's 8 because that's how many the original IWBTG had.

Game Design / Re: What is not allowing me to change the view?
« on: April 07, 2016, 01:14:34 PM »
I believe that in 8.1, the window size will get set to the "port on screen" values that you set for each room. But in studio, the window size is set to the "port on screen" you set in the first room and stays that way. So if you want your window size to be the same throughout the whole game (as you probably do), then just change the "port on screen" of the first room. If you want to change it dynamically, you can use the window_set_size function. I hope this is what you wanted; it's easy to confuse the terms view, port, window, size, etc.

Game Design / Re: Post your Code Snippets
« on: April 05, 2016, 06:24:27 PM »
I made a pretty nice pushable block that feels smooth, drops into 32px gaps, and is configurable. PM if you find any issues.

EDIT: Updated version here:

Game Design / Re: Crow Once, Praise Twice
« on: April 01, 2016, 09:19:55 PM »
This is a nice idea.

I'm proud of the boss fight I made for Mr. Wonderful's recently finished game, I wanna kill the Kermit 2. I think I did a good job overall, with the mechanics, graphics, balance, theme, and attention to detail. It's been really nice to hear from people that they enjoyed it. It was also nice to contribute to someone else's big project that I admired myself. I'm looking forward to collaborating on games in the future, and I recommend everyone try working with a partner or small team if you haven't already.

In I wanna be the Scribble, one thing I like is the hand-drawn scribble style artwork. Not only does it look nice and feel fresh, but it's pervasive throughout the game and makes everything feel more unified thematically.

I wanna healing spike, a small recent game, has a unique and charming atmosphere. The visuals, sounds, and level design all fit together to create a soothing experience. Even though the game's quite short, it was memorable to me.

Game Design / Re: 16:9 resolution
« on: April 01, 2016, 08:13:24 PM »
I don't think people will mind a widescreen fangame if it's done well. You should try to keep the height around the same, so that you don't see *too* much or *too* less content on screen at once than usual. And try to make the height and width be multiples of 32 so that tiles fit evenly. I think people would prefer having the window perfectly fit the game than having a perfectly 16:9 resolution with black bars, scaling, or other weirdness.

Edit: so you might try 1088x608 for example

Meet and Greet! / Re: Hi, I'm Here Now
« on: March 25, 2016, 11:20:42 PM »
Welcome to the forums MrSlick! Good luck with your fangame :)

Game Design / Re: Required reading for new developers
« on: March 23, 2016, 03:09:44 PM »
I'll add a list for Studio-specific technical things. Some of these are in the readme of Yoyo's engine.

  • Set all your music resources to be stereo. They're set to mono (which degrades the sound quality) by default, which is a poor decision on the developers' part.

  • You must rename your studio project file from the default "Yoyoyo edition" one, or else save files will conflict with other games with that default name.

  • In your Objects folder, make sure the block and platform are ordered above the spikes. The player will collide with objects at the top first.

  • Export your game as a standalone exe or a zip, and not an installer.

  • Consider including the .gmz source code file with your game, or a note in the readme to ask you for it, since there's no full GMStudio decompiler. This is more of a personal opinion, but I think it's overall better to include than not include.

  • Actually read the whole readme of Yoyo's engine.

And some general things.

  • Playtesting is super important. If you spend 100 hours making a game, you don't want a few segments to be huge roadblocks or a mechanic to be confusing. Spending like 5 hours working with playtesters and changing things can make your game be twice as enjoyable, not exaggerating. It can be easy to overlook playtesting when you're finishing your game and you're exhausted, but you absolutely have to have other people play your game and point out things you can't see. Hm, it might be nice if someone wrote a longer piece about playtesting fangames.

  • Don't be shy about asking for help or tips. We have a lot of experienced and friendly game makers in our community that would be happy to point you in the right direction. The forums, the community Discord, or asking people directly on skype or discord are good places. Relatedly, you usually shouldn't post your problem or question in stream chats. It's not the place, and it kinda clogs up the chat and is annoying.

This is a good idea for a thread, thanks Wetwookie. If people post more stuff it might be nice to compile it in the first post.

User-Made Creations / Re: I Wanna be the Journey
« on: March 21, 2016, 11:22:51 PM »
Is there a mechanic in a game you like that you think would be interesting in a fangame? Can you think of any visual style that would look cool? Are there any environments (e.g. jungle, floating islands, outer space) you are in the mood to do level design for? Do you have an idea for a narrative to tell? Just a few ideas off the top of my head. You could also bounce your ideas off us in the community discord at httpss://

I think the best approach is to make the object or objects persistent.

As for it not working when you tried it, here's an approach I like using. Start a new empty project, and then import the visual effect objects from your main project (right click on "Objects" -> add existing object). You could also instead just create simplified versions of the objects. Then make an object that switches or restarts the room when you press a key. Now you can fiddle around and make the effect persist properly, without anything getting in your way. Once you've got it working, you can go back to your main project and make it work there. And if you have trouble during this step, you know that it's something external in your project that's affecting it, so that helps to isolate the problem. I hope this approach helps.

Programming Questions / Re: help sheepy flocked up
« on: March 07, 2016, 03:46:10 AM »
There's no way to do this in the editor as far as I know. But you can do it manually by editing the room XML files, which is pretty straightforward.

This is the basic process, assuming you're using studio. You'll need a non-Notepad text editor such as Notepad++ or Sublime Text if you don't have one already. Open the file in the rooms folder that you want to change. Use the "find and replace" feature to replace the name of your old background with the new one, e.g. bgCoolTiles -> bgCoolerTiles. You can scroll down to all the <tile> elements to verify that all the the bgName properties were changed. Save the file and tab back to GM. Click yes to the "want to reload the file?" dialog if it appears. If you don't have that preference enabled, reopen the project. The room should now be changed. Yay!

If you're not using studio (grrrrrrr), get Gmk-splitter, and you can decompose your project file, find-and-replace in the room file, and recompose it. The XML will be formatted differently but find-and-replace still works just fine. Be sure to save a backup before using Gmk-splitter just in case.

Knowing that you can edit various resource files manually can really come in handy sometimes.

User-Made Creations / Re: I Wanna be the Journey
« on: March 06, 2016, 01:20:14 AM »
I agree with Kyir, and I think many people who pursue creative endeavors as a hobby would. For what it's worth, I remember feeling like you do back when I was younger. It just took time for my point of view to come around.

Tools & Software / Re: map2gm - Needle map to GM converter
« on: February 25, 2016, 01:55:00 AM »
I just updated this tool. It now works on Windows 8 and 10, automatically checks for updates, and has a bug fix for new Jtool maps. :D See the original post for the download and change log.

We who made I wanna try a Collab, along with some new people, have been doing more mini-collabs for a sequel. It won't be finished anytime soon, but we've been making some platforming, needle, boss, and meme stages.

Here's one nice-looking needle screen we made. In this one Ario147 picked music, then Pieceofcheese87 made graphics (very nice ones), and then I did level design.
(click to show/hide)

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