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Messages - YoSniper

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Game Design / Re: YoSniper's Fangame Contest 2015 *NOW ACCEPTING*
« on: June 30, 2015, 06:41:54 PM »
Is deadline tonight or tomorrow night? I'm not 100% certain :s
Deadline is tomorrow night. That is July 1st at around 10pm EDT.

Game Design / Re: YoSniper's Fangame Contest 2015 *NOW ACCEPTING*
« on: June 25, 2015, 10:48:50 PM »
Just so everyone is aware, the game that was not running has been replaced by a later version, and that one does work.

Let's hope this doesn't happen with any other entries.

Game Design / Re: YoSniper's Fangame Contest 2015 *NOW ACCEPTING*
« on: June 24, 2015, 05:27:25 PM »
I know it depends on how many more games come in and how long they all are but is there a loose time frame for how long we hope judging to take?
If my laptop holds out, I hope to get the results videos started either at the end of July or beginning of August. If my machine craps out, maybe mid-August. I'll keep you posted (I have a smartphone.)

Game Design / Re: YoSniper's Fangame Contest 2015 *NOW ACCEPTING*
« on: June 24, 2015, 04:41:37 PM »
sent a message, still in the contest ready to judge. do you still need the email?
I got an e-mail address from you, but last I checked on the wiki, you were still unverified. You should have received an e-mail from PBWorks.

Game Design / Re: YoSniper's Fangame Contest 2015 *NOW ACCEPTING*
« on: June 23, 2015, 07:59:26 PM »
yosniper, the best I can suggest is to try it on another pc. If it does the same exact thing then we know it's most likely changing or adding a file somewhere wierd (like appdata) and failing when it tries to do so a second time and the file already exists\contains bad data.
If I had another PC to test that theory, I'd do so, but as it stands, I simply cannot run the game anymore. I'll post about it on my wiki for judges and see if any of them can figure this out, but other than that, I'm tapping out.

Game Design / Re: YoSniper's Fangame Contest 2015 *NOW ACCEPTING*
« on: June 23, 2015, 05:40:02 PM »
So, question for the community.

I received an entry today, and the first time I ran it, it ran fine. However, every subsequent time I've attempted to run the game, I get an error message saying "Unexpected error occurred while trying to run the game."

This game was made in Game Maker Lite, so I wonder if that has anything to do with it?

I searched for hidden files and folders, I've tried recopying the game from the original ZIP file, and I've even tried restarting my computer. Nothing has worked. I really want to give this person a chance, so any ideas would be appreciated.

Programming Questions / Re: Making GM remember a variable
« on: June 22, 2015, 10:11:45 PM »
Either set the variable in the world object, or an alternative is to just use a global variable (but it still requires initialization, which is best done in the Create Event of the world object, anyway.)

If the variable starts out as false, and is later set to true upon that collision, say:

Create Event of world
Code: [Select]
myVariable = false;
Collision Event with object
Code: [Select]
world.myVariable = true;
Then you would just need to save "world.myVariable" in your save data.

But please, for the sake of code maintainability, don't name the variable "myVariable".

Programming Questions / Re: Making GM remember a variable
« on: June 22, 2015, 08:37:57 PM »
The only way to get the game to permanently remember a variable like that is to put that variable in a persistent object like world.

However, even then, the variable will reset if you restart the game (or shut it down and start it back up.) So for an even more permanent solution, include that variable in your save data (again, remember to save it within the world object.)

Game Design / Re: YoSniper's Fangame Contest 2015 *NOW ACCEPTING*
« on: June 20, 2015, 07:04:01 PM »
So far, I have received 6 entries, so there will at least be money involved! WOOT!

Judges, this past week I sent out a request for e-mail addresses that I could use to add you to the wiki. As of right now, only Kilgour and myself are registered on the wiki. PLEASE SEND ME AN E-MAIL ADDRESS SOON SO I CAN ADD YOU!

Programming Questions / Re: Affecting Existing Objects
« on: June 16, 2015, 06:58:44 AM »
Would that make both objects react that way, or just Object B?

It would not affect objectA, unless you put code outside the "with" block. However, if there are multiple instances of objectB, all of them will be affected simultaneously.

Programming Questions / Re: Affecting Existing Objects
« on: June 15, 2015, 05:04:31 PM »
This would have to be on a case-by-case basis, but something you could do is:

On Event in objectA when objectA gets shot:
Code: [Select]
with(objectB) {
    //React to shot

Game Design / Re: YoSniper's Fangame Contest 2015 *NOW ACCEPTING*
« on: June 11, 2015, 04:55:18 PM »
Attention all participants and prospective participants!!!

I have received at least two README files now that state that their respective games have "a lot of gimmicks."

Please elaborate on two specific gimmicks that you use in the game and that are not listed in rule #6, even if they are extremely obvious in the game.

My goal is to remove as much ambiguity as possible, so it is plain as day that every game submitted qualifies.

Game Design / Re: YoSniper's Fangame Contest 2015 *NOW ACCEPTING*
« on: May 27, 2015, 08:49:25 PM »
Please start submitting your games now! See video in OP.

Even if you submit a game early on, you can replace it with a later version if you want to at a later time. Only the latest submissions from each participant will be considered, so YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BY SECURING YOUR SPOT EARLY!

Game Design / Re: YoSniper's Fangame Contest 2015 *READY SET GO!*
« on: May 13, 2015, 04:07:39 PM »
It's rare, and doesn't happen often, but if one single crash is a disqualification then I might not have a chance. It sucks to not know something.
I will be sure to elaborate on this rule. I don't think any games will be outright disqualified for a single rule violation this time around (like last year,) but if crashes do happen, it will most certainly affect your score in the long run.

Basically, if a judge decides that a game is "disqialified" then they just won't vote for it.

I'm trying not to scare anyone off.

But do look into your code. A while loop that tirns out to be infinite is most likely the cause of your issue. I know it would be a lot of work, but a debugging technique you might want to try is something like this for while loops:

Code: [Select]
var loopcount, MAXLOOPS;
loopcount =0;
while (conditions) and loopcount < MAXLOOP {
    //your code like normal
    loopcount += 1;
if loopcount == MAXLOOP {
    show_message ("infinite loop encountered");

That's why you should make a habit of naming every sprite strting with "spr" and every sound starting with "snd" (or similar). That inherently avoids naming errors like this.

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