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Messages - lawatson

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Programming Questions / Re: Help with a boss attack
« on: July 23, 2015, 03:32:40 AM »
Yes. when you use the with statement, it affects every object and runs the code from their perspective. Another neat thing you can do is address the object running the with statement while within the code itself, like so:
with fruit{
and that'll make its direction actually go towards the object that's running the with statement.

Programming Questions / Re: Help with a boss attack
« on: July 23, 2015, 12:50:50 AM »
Make the cherry that follows the player into an object, make the cherries that stay still when spawned into another object, and then when you want them to shoot off, execute the code:

with fruit{

Change fruit to the name of the stand-still fruit that will move, and change speed to whatever fits your liking.

If some of the cherries spawn at 0,0, that means that the cherry that spawned them got deleted. Make sure that it doesn't get deleted when it goes outside the room.

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: Post the fangame you just beat!
« on: July 22, 2015, 07:05:05 PM »

It wasn't until the 50 minute mark where I started to actually be able to read the apples, and when that happened, the jukes I managed were insane.

Really unforgiving boss when you start it, but after a while it becomes really fun.

Video Discussion / Re: I Wanna be the Wischtech (deathless) in 0:49
« on: July 20, 2015, 02:39:18 PM »
You sure know how to hype up the skype chat room lmao

nice job though, congrats.

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: Misterious Strat
« on: July 19, 2015, 09:34:32 PM »
Don't stay in the corner, because if you do, it's a lot easier to get walled. Go kind of between the middle and the corner, and only go to the corner if it's the best place to be at the time.

I'm not sure, but I think you can press L or something to restart at the beginning of the room.

No saves? That seems fair.

It's designed purely to be extremely hard. I'm having fun with it, it's up to others to play it once it's out.

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: "Error: Cannot read the game file"
« on: July 19, 2015, 11:22:57 AM »
It means that it can't run an .exe file when it has japanese characters in it. Rename the .exe, and if that still doesn't work, maybe also try renaming the folder with the game in it.

Making a super hard needle.

My PB is the doublediamond in the bottom right.

This is gonna be a long day...It's pretty fun though.

Unfinished / Incomplete / Re: Hell Corner
« on: July 18, 2015, 02:18:58 PM »
Looks more like 3 corners with a whole bunch of diagonals in it, but diagonals can be pretty hard when lengthened.

EDIT: done

nice hellcorner

Video Discussion / Re: some random boss i beat
« on: July 15, 2015, 10:51:12 PM »
nice boss clear, when will you clear a boss?

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: What's Your Progress?
« on: July 14, 2015, 10:29:01 AM »

K3 Dotkid cleared. Time: 12 hours. Fun boss, even though sometimes the RNG gets a little bit out of hand  :atkWut:

spooky and swirly :o

Programming Questions / Re: FMOD Help
« on: July 12, 2015, 01:07:24 PM »
what format are these files in?
.wav format. probably an odd wav format, though, since other ones work just fine. might go full circle back to K3 sounds being fucky wackos :Kappa:

It's also possible that you missed something in the code. You mention that you tried this in a clean version of the Seph engine - do the other sound effects work correctly even if you copy them somewhere else? What about loading a completely different sound, one not from the K3 files, does that one work?

Moved the working sounds to a different directory, those sounds still played. I used a different sound that worked in regular gamemaker sound functions, and it worked as well.

1) Once, on game start, you load the sound into a global variable:
Code: [Select]
global.sndPlayerJump = FMODSoundAdd("sfx/sndPlayerJump.wav",false,false);This takes a file in the sfx directory named sndPlayerJump.wav (make sure everything matches, idk if it's case sensitive but better safe than sorry) - and leave the two false values as-is, they specify 3D/Streaming capabilities which you won't need for this. (Although streaming is nice for BGM - keeps the huge files out of memory and loads instantly on startup)

2) When you want to play the sound, pass in the global variable you created:
Code: [Select]
FMODSoundPlay(global.sndPlayerJump);And that's all there is to it.

Did exactly that.

I'm guessing that the conclusion is that I shouldn't take sound files from K3. Damn.

Programming Questions / FMOD Help
« on: July 12, 2015, 10:21:33 AM »
I'm not trying to absolutely rewrite the game's sound system to FMOD, but instead just use it to play some specific sounds. No matter what I try, though, it won't play the sound when I try to get it to. Here's the steps I use:

Make a new object similar to the Seph Engine's FMOD loader.
Initialize FMOD correctly.
Add the sound with the SoundAdd function, correct directory and all.
Now switching to the World object.
In End Step Event, I use the FMODUpdate function.

Now I play the sound through a different object, like the player object. It doesn't play. I know it's something with the specific sound and not with FMOD, because when I do it in the Seph Engine which already has everything done, and I add the sound and play it, it doesn't play. Can anyone help me out here?

Another thing to add, I'm taking the sound effects from the K3 sound effects folder. The sounds don't load in Audacity and they can't be converted with an online converter, so I'm wondering if this changes anything.

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