« on: May 23, 2015, 04:32:51 AM »
I would suggest making 2 objects, one for a spawner and one for a bullet.
In the spawner, make an alarm event set for 500 frames. Hopefully you should be able to set an alarm (It's easy, just alarm[0]=500 in the create event)
Put this code in the alarm event:
hspeed=3 (or however fast you want it to move across the screen.);
Now, create a step event too. In the step event, put this code:
if shoot=1{
instance_create(x,y,object you make for the bullet);
Now put the spawner in the bottom left corner and you're done!
For the bullet object, put this in the create event:
vspeed=-3; (or however fast you want it to go up)
And in the step event, put this:
if y<ystart-64{
vspeed=3; (or however fast you want it to go down)
And now you should be done! Have fun.