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Messages - Kefit

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Gameplay & Discussion / Re: Your worst fail in a fangame
« on: July 28, 2014, 02:34:25 AM »
Choke Master Kefit continues to live up to his name. Presenting a glorious death on the final final attack of K3 Dot Kid Miku:

EDIT: Ok, I laughed when this happened but now I'm getting more upset about it as the night goes on. Ugh.

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: What's Your Progress?
« on: July 19, 2014, 06:21:17 AM »
And now the fun begins.

Horrible time and death count, but whatever. I promise I'll actually be good at these games someday.

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: Your worst fail in a fangame
« on: July 18, 2014, 07:24:16 PM »

of course there's a trigger there
why wouldn't there be a trigger there

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: How do I know if I'm bunny hopping?
« on: July 16, 2014, 02:12:33 PM »
Yeah, I tried this kind of script but it leads to inconsistent results. For example, your script here will sometimes give you a six frame jump. I've tried resolving these inconsistency issues a number of different ways in my own scripts, but nothing seems to help. I don't know enough about the way I Wanna operates to do anything more than speculate about why this happens, but maybe Kinata has some insight. Accurate and consistent frame specific jump macros would be very useful for testing.

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: How do I know if I'm bunny hopping?
« on: July 16, 2014, 05:33:17 AM »
I'm actually interested in your macro too. I tried to make my own frame specific jump macros for testing purposes, but the autohotkey scripts I came up with were buggy and inconsistent. Why not just post your autohotkey script in this thread?

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: What's Your Progress?
« on: July 16, 2014, 03:44:50 AM »
i cant do the last save of K3 TAS
it's the stupidest fucking thing
i can do the butterfly nonsense
i can do the fucking tas drop twice
i can't do this last fucking save holy shit FUCK IT

EDIT: Ok I lied.

Let's see what kind of investment this took:

Butterfly secret access: 1673 deaths, 5.75 hours
TAS save 1: 679 deaths, 19 minutes
TAS save 2: 175 deaths, 8 minutes
TAS save 3: 1586 deaths, 56 minutes (did TAS drop twice in this time)
TAS save 4: 197 deaths, 9 minutes
TAS save 5: 1932 deaths, 1.5 hours
Total: 6242 deaths, 8 hours 53 minutes

Some might say that this secret is useless, but this was all worth it for the sweet, sweet swag.

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: Your worst fail in a fangame
« on: July 15, 2014, 08:41:21 PM »

This is something that actually happened to a human being. Me, to be specific.

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: Post the fangame you just beat!
« on: July 15, 2014, 05:18:23 PM »

I basically completely forgot how to do normal I Wanna platforming after spending 6+ hours riding that damn water line in the K3 Butterfly screen. This game helped me warm back up to relatively normal platforming.

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: What's Your Progress?
« on: July 14, 2014, 08:35:01 PM »

Holy fucking shit that was hard. 5.75 hours on the save to access this secret. Now for the fun and "easy" part!

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: Mechanical keyboard?
« on: July 07, 2014, 03:16:36 AM »
I've got a mechanical CM Storm Quickfire Pro with brown cherry switches. I can consistently do three pixel moves, which require two frame inputs on the arrow keys from my right hand. I am fairly inconsistent at two frame jumps, but that's probably just because my left hand sucks compared to my right hand. I can do one frame jumps often enough that ceiling double diamonds aren't a huge pain in the ass. I did an o-ring mod for my jump and arrow keys a few weeks ago, which I think made one and two frame inputs a little easier.

A friend of mine who plays fangames recently switched from brown switches to blue switches. He says that two frame inputs for him were slightly easier on browns, but it's not a huge difference. I'm pretty interested in a report from someone who has tried red switches with I Wanna, though I wouldn't be surprised if the difference is negligible.

It's perfectly conceivable that there are better keyboards for 1-2 frame inputs than cherry switch mechanicals. However, cherry switches provide a standardized keystroke method that should be identical across different keyboards that use the same switches. This makes comparing and choosing a keyboard easy. This is as opposed to non-mechanical keyboards, which don't really have any standardized keystroke mechanism that can be easily assessed and compared with others. Moreover, cherry switches are "good enough" for I Wanna and are a pleasure to use for typing and everything else you do on your computer. I think these are the reasons that mechanical keyboards have become the go-to for keyboard players.

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: What's Your Progress?
« on: July 06, 2014, 10:01:40 PM »

Sweet, sweet revenge is mine~~~

Except now I have to grind through the Guy fight. Fuck.

EDIT: Beat the Guy in 2.5 hours thanks to studying videos. Was actually kind of fun to do this way, but would have probably sucked hard to do it blind. Stage four here I come!

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: Post the fangame you just beat!
« on: July 04, 2014, 09:03:49 PM »
Deaths and time are just a sign of one's dedication, right?

At least that's what I tell myself so I can sleep at night.

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: Post the fangame you just beat!
« on: July 04, 2014, 07:33:44 PM »

Green took me fewer deaths than Red did months ago despite the last two screens of Green being some of the hardest platforming I've ever done. Getting better feels good. Now to go do it again in K3 :x

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: What's Your Progress?
« on: July 04, 2014, 01:42:35 AM »

rofl that seriously took 2.5 hours and 1600 deaths, though messing up the final vine jump three fucking times certainly doesn't help hahahahahahaha

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: Your worst fail in a fangame
« on: July 02, 2014, 11:19:34 PM »

Making gifs is fun!

Oops I just did this except I fell off the vine and into the spikes below because I'm too retarded to use vines.

EDIT: I've now died on the final vine three times. I'm fucking brain dead when it comes to these fucking vines.

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