I use Razer Synapse for making macros, and it has the same issue that you described with AutoHotkey where the frames will be inconsistent. I would also like if someone could find a reason why because it is apparently not program-specific. And if Kinata reads this, my Mega Jump 3 macro now only works about 1 in 10 times whereas it worked 100% of the time before.
I move that every time a new fangame comes out, we refer to The Kid as whatever he would be called after beating the previous fangame. Let's make all 2600 fangames feel like one continuous story.
I successfully broke through 7 trials, which was another long-time fangame goal of mine! My death count is higher than I would have liked it to be, but at least I finally beat it.
Welp, that sucks. Again, I work late on that day, which is why I really wanted the FGDQ idea. Also, with everyone streaming together, a lot of people will still just flock to the popular ones that they always watch, and the smaller channels (the ones who consistently get under 20-ish), will go even more unnoticed. Also, Ventrilo is lame. I'll probably just do a normal stream once I get home.