This is a setup I discovered when playing Inner Side a couple of weeks ago. I saw some people having trouble with this jump in a Venus race the other day, so I thought I'd share it. This setup eliminates most elements of positional and input timing from the jump, and in my opinion makes it just about as easy as the classic one block high plane jump. I'm not 100% certain on the frame count for step 3, maybe some of our pixel and frameologists can step in and verify. Note that a six frame jump is one frame higher than a gate jump and probably what happens when you choke a gate and hit your head.
This won't work for all two block high plane jumps because there must be a safe landing block next to the lower spike. For example, this method won't work for the plane jump in K3 secret 2 save 2 because your first jump must be full in order to clear the spikes after the plane jump.