« on: March 10, 2015, 04:15:34 PM »
Guys, you need to keep in mind that he made the video of him hacking to the final boss as a way to get back at Kamilia for constantly claiming that he hacked through the rest of the game when he proved that he hadn't. That's obviously not the best way to handle it, but neither of them were being mature. Kamilia has done some stupid shit with the release of K3 ("losing" the files several times, not fixing broken parts of the game, allowing certain people to stream the final boss but not let others play it). With a game this popular, yes, I'd agree that it's disrespectful to the players to not do a proper release and keep them in the dark about development and behind-the-scenes stuff. The "discussions" going on in these threads are far from civil from either side (obviously that's not true for everyone, but it is for most).
In regards to dislikes on the video, that's to be expected, and you shouldn't be surprised by it.
*EDIT* Wait, is this not Plynq? I thought it was Plynq. Some of my points still stand, though.