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Messages - Swordslinger

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Programming Questions / Re: Needing an engine...
« on: July 29, 2014, 10:12:19 PM »
@Yosniper, I'm actually going to be serious about my answer, with the engine the physics feel weird since everyone on the wannabes is completely adapted to Yutuu, Nekeron, Lemon, Seph engines, one of the main reasons everyone convinced HAGEOE to switch to Yutuu engine. These 4 engines are whats been used for an extremely long time, yet doing something as simple as a gate jump is like doing a diamond jump on the engine. (Might be pushing it a BIT far with that but you get the idea)

Also I don't know if you fixed the water but the water feels really clunky and your jump on it is really low, again this is mainly for the fact that everyone is adapted to Yutuu. I don't know if you fixed this or not, when you're on the ground in the water, your jump height is like jumping like you were on the moon, you jump pretty damn high. Anyway, the double jump in the water feels better if its the same height as a regular double jump if you were not in water, with the water as the way it is, doing something like this: Would be quite a challenge.

Overall like sephalos said (A bit of a while ago) the engine has a few things going for it, however the reason why seph worked with your engine for 8bit is because he knew how to modify the engine and the physics feel a lot like yutuu and overall more enjoyable. This is really all i have to say about the engine, though there might be a little more, I hardly see any games with this engine, might be because its not on the wiki but i'm not sure.

I don't use game maker, so i never investigated the engine myself, HAGEOE is the only one who really compared the engines and made a forum post about it, which was really nice of him to do.

(Going slightly off topic) The thing that bothers me about this though and don't take this the wrong way i'm not trying to be an asshole, the post was on July 8th and you're just responding now because its been moved into game design,  It wouldn't hurt or kill you to look on the other boards and go on sometimes you know, that's the way to find out what's going on, it's where everything happens, a lot of people have made this point and it is indeed very true, take this under consideration and if you want if you really want to be a part of this community, the forums don't really do the trick for you.

General Games / Re: I ban you because...
« on: July 27, 2014, 09:40:25 PM »

Banned because you never pay attention

General Games / Re: I ban you because...
« on: July 27, 2014, 08:27:05 PM »
B& because a mod edited your post.

Banned Because Never Happened


General Games / Re: I ban you because...
« on: July 27, 2014, 01:13:06 AM »
Banned For Throwing A Tantrum

Next poster: here's a reason to ban Sword. :Kappa:

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: What's Your Progress?
« on: July 24, 2014, 04:27:40 AM »
i finally got this token and achievement from i dun wanna be anything!! :atkHappy:

Nice, according to Zanto that is one of the harder ones to get.

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: What's Your Progress?
« on: July 21, 2014, 12:32:59 PM »
Finally, after over 18 mins on the platform phase on Colonel I'm finally done with this!!!
Dotkid : 1 hour, 10 mins
Piano : +3 hours
Emperor : 4 hours 30 mins
Colonel : 4 hours 15 mins
I'm not 100% sure about my Piano time since it's the only boss where I did random tries to other bosses, but I'd say it took 3 hours and 20 mins since boss rush took me slightly over 12 hours. Not really a great time, could've gotten sub 10 hours if I did'nt suck so bad at Emperor and Dotkid, but whatever. I'm so fucking glad that I beated it anyways :)!

Not really a great time are you kidding me? You did it faster than everyone in the western community i think :Kappa:

Video Discussion / Re: I wanna Kill the Maker
« on: July 20, 2014, 08:57:41 PM »
How did he die?
Really sad that he died :atkCry:

He Committed Suicide

Don't know why, i heard that very few people know

Unfinished / Incomplete / Re: I Wanna Kill the Happil 2 Ver. 0.3.4
« on: July 19, 2014, 03:37:48 PM »
So i got around to playing the demo more, i got some thoughts of my own.

I think its best to leave the Dark Blue screen as it was, It's honestly not that hard. GGM was a bit over the top since it sends you all over the place, but it was, not that bad. Justice seemed fair without the back tracking and with one save, maybe if you want back tracking in it then add a save at the end? - I think its best to leave this jump in here, nerf the TAS drop sure, but this jump is at the very beginning and its not even hard, no offence star, I did not really like this jump being nerfed.

It might be best to also use the conquer the blow game 1 screen from the original, the major difficulty of it was the Super F. I don't know if this game is still being worked on, but just some suggestions I had in mind.

(click to show/hide)
This is everything I have done, I've been save hacking around the game to see what screens i could do. I hope these suggestions come in handy Just and Star.

Remember Den

This wasn't really much of a speedrun, more of a one video completion. A speedrun would be the game completed without any deaths, failed jumps or stopping. I have to give it that this is impressive, but it's not a good speedrun.


Congrats on the run

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: What's Your Progress?
« on: July 12, 2014, 03:17:36 AM »

Progress! :atkHappy:

Oh look i inspired someone :Kappa:

Programming Questions / Re: Needing an engine...
« on: July 08, 2014, 02:41:28 PM »
YoSniper's engine is clearly superior.

Tell me when the physics are fixed :Kappa:

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: What's Your Progress?
« on: July 06, 2014, 01:21:23 PM »
I decided to stream some crimson
I made decent progress in the first one but I was on one save for the majority of the second one

You do realize you can't progress to the final area of the game if you are passing over the secrets, they're required.

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: Post the fangame you just beat!
« on: July 02, 2014, 01:47:33 AM »
(click to show/hide)

Very Hard
Very Fun
I had a fun time doing this on stream, surprisingly took less then an hour

Video Discussion / I Wanna Erode
« on: July 01, 2014, 09:01:35 PM »


User-Made Creations / Re: I Wanna Descend Into Hell
« on: July 01, 2014, 12:59:42 AM »
falling out of bounds without dying might be because of the engine, why don't your future games use Yutuu?

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