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Messages - L4Vo5

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General Games / Re: My hill
« on: September 12, 2016, 11:22:50 PM »
Well umm...

General Games / Re: My hill
« on: September 09, 2016, 11:49:46 AM »
It crushed me so bad i ended up on the others side of the world. I stayed there, bored, for about a year. Then the Earth finished it's orbit and i fell right on top of the hill. I then turned back and saw you there. I punched you in the face and you gave up.
My hill

General Games / Re: My hill
« on: September 09, 2016, 12:10:43 AM »
But are numbers even real, or are they just part of our imagination? are all special numbers like pi and e just coincidences caused by the very nature of our universe. Or is math above that, and above everything else, controlling even the most chaotic universes with exactly the same beauty we see every day?
While thinking about these things, you enter an existential crisis and fall down the cliff. I find myself with your injured body in need for urgent medical attention, and the unoccupied hill in front of me. When i look at the horizon, i can already see thousands of people storming at the place to try and claim the hill. I could very easily help you, then come back and destroy them, but... is it worth giving them even the smallest moment of victory? After all, they are dedicating their lives entirely to occupying the hill, wich is futile since they are so, so weak. As i stand there, i wonder what would happen if they get the hill for even a second. But i don't need to wonder, i already know: They'll justify their only reason to live, they'll keep coming back with their pathetic attempts at claiming The Hill -as if they were kids, stupidly trying to become The Guy-. Is that really what they deserve? yes, they HAVE chosen that path, but... isn't it a little bit of our fault? are us, the one who started this hill thing, ruining hundreds of thousands of people's lifes? or would they have found another stupid thing to obsess over, had we never even existed?
So, the question remains, should i go and help aytoms, thus effectively making this remain a friendly competition, but also possibly affecting terribly the population's lives; or should i go to the hill, turning this competition into a war, but at the same time maybe -just maybe- doing a favour and helping this planet be as good as it was in it's golden age, when weapons weren't even needed because there were no wars?
I decide to go to the hill and leave you there, with several injuries that could be deadly if i don't help. As i'm leaving, i can see the words appear in front of me:
*aytoms will remember this*.
I decide to ignore the text and keep walking, justifying myself with the excuse that i just want to help, but my attempts are futile. Deep, deep down i know the real reason: i'm just selfish, i WANT to have the hill, i WANT to stand above everyone and feel their anger, their desire, their envy. But it's not just that: i want bloodshed. I know that by going to the hill i won't be helping anyone. I know they'll keep coming for more. And i know they'll get more aggresive over time. And i want that: I want a challenge. I want to be challenged, to make my enemies seriously belive they'll win. And just as they're reaching the peak of their happiness, i wanna take it all away, showing my real power. Men, women, kids, whatever challenges me, i will break their soul, I will make them be miserable, I will show them no mercy.
As i reach the hill and look at all the people coming, i remember: there's still a group of people, a group that's formed by few but that anyone can join, a group that can still defeat me with ease, with even the most stupid situations, with just a few memes, without even having to be coherent.
I'm reaching the very top, and i have a last tought: I can beat them. No matter what they throw at me, i'll come back. I won't care what they do, i'll defeat them, again and again. So what if i can't permanently win? so what if as high as my force might be i won't be able to do it? that just makes it better, it removes the unfairness, it evens things out. It turns this into an endurance test. And, at the end of the day, it remains a friendly thing. It's still just a game made up by some people and played by others. All that i said just came down to nothing. I could've just put a sentence or maybe two and still have claimed the hill. How many people are gonna read this anyways? not many, probably.
Still, as i finally claim the hill, i feel proud. I feel proud of what i made. I feel proud of writing a thing that will be seen by few, and read by even less. Even if i just changed subject all the time and ended up with a lame story (the guy fell, i climbed to the top), it was still worth it. In one way or the other, i still got the hill, i still got the victory, i still had fun.

my hill

General Games / Re: My hill
« on: September 08, 2016, 06:43:21 PM »
In an extremely rare coincidence half explained by quantum physics half explained by magic, the last 2 messages of this topic suddenly turn alive and start fighting for The Hill. My last message, clearly superior in both size and intelligence, almost fails against the seemingly random and unpredictable nature of yours, but ends up beating the letters out of it.
My hill.

General Games / Re: My hill
« on: September 07, 2016, 01:46:47 AM »
You look behind you and don't see a laser coming because it's at the speed of light. It was sent by several races of aliens who saw you fly trough the galaxy and decided to kill you because you meant danger. You were completely disintegrated. Luckily, the laser was 1 meter wide so the hill survived intact. Anyways, turns out the hill is in a planet whose ruler is completely against the Alliance Of The Milky Way, so he didn't want to recognize you were dead (thus making the hill still technically yours).
the AOTMW shoot a laser at him and burned the whole building, wich had the hill's property documents (it's a very important tradition in the planet after all). Because i was actually a spy for the AOTMW, they decided, as part of the payment, to:
-let me own the hill
-give me a desert but potentially useful planet, wich i already started terraforming to make room for life and start my own civilization in a few thousand years
-gave me like, A LOT of money
-allow me into the top tiers of the alliance (not only because of this, but because of other things i had done.You see, i have a really good reputation in the AOTMW)

Off Topic / Re: what's the origin of your username?
« on: September 07, 2016, 01:34:57 AM »
Well, i had to choose a nickname for my Minecraft account back in 2014, and because you couldn't change it at the time i decided to, once and for all, think of my definitive internet username.
So somehow i tought of Lavos (final boss of Chrono trigger), but of course it was taken. And even if it weren't taken it'd probably be taken on other sites anyway. So i replaced the A with a 4 and the S with a 5 (much later i'd learn that sorts of things are considered "leet". And by that i mean like, two months ago or so), and decided to make the "V" uppercase because i tought it looked cooler (5 looks uppercase and 4 is kind of in the middle, so it looks pretty balanced).
To this day very few people bother writing my nickname right xP

so I was just thinking of something that sounds cool, and apparently that was my choice out of nowhere.
Fun fact: in spanish, ario is aryan (the race Hitler tought superior)

General Games / Re: My hill
« on: August 31, 2016, 10:53:19 PM »
I go back in time and secretly install a jetpack on your feet. I come back, activate the jetpack and you fly off to another galaxy.
My hill.

General Games / Re: My hill
« on: August 21, 2016, 12:19:42 PM »
I launch a nuclear weapon that lands exactly on top of the hill and destroys it.
My bad.

Gameplay & Discussion / I Wanna beat this once and for all
« on: July 28, 2016, 11:29:36 PM »
Kill me please D:


Game Design / Re: GM Studio Pros and Cons
« on: July 20, 2016, 08:42:32 PM »
        • Manipulating files is annoying due to sandboxing

If anyone has a solution that lets you store your game's save files in the same directory as the application so that when the application is deleted the files don't linger on in the user's documents folder that would be appreciated.
I don't think there's a built-in way to do that. They removed the other system for a reason.
But maybe there's some extension that adds that?

When linking Dimrain47's music, could you please add the ones from the channel superbane2? It's his official channel (according to his newgrounds account)

Game Design / Re: How to make Object Turn with no failing hitbox!
« on: July 15, 2016, 09:24:09 PM »
Woah!!!!1! It work!
Now make one that works when the player is in a corner (a wall corner not a spike one)

Or you could use a for statement. Because if ANY of the values is false the object gets destroyed, this is quite simple:

Code: [Select]
for(i = 0;i<8;i++){
      if global.secretItem[i] == false {

Video Games / Re: Super Cat Planet!
« on: July 11, 2016, 06:43:39 PM »
Best credits ever xD downloading the sequel

Game Design / Re: YoSniper's Fangame Contest 2016 *SEEKING JUDGES*
« on: July 08, 2016, 07:35:41 PM »
OK i'll do it.

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