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Messages - OhNoezEinPandy

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Announcements / Re: Team overhaul
« on: February 09, 2017, 02:14:51 AM »
You can also play bosses head to head and see who has the better PB after 30 minutes.

You can also prepare a template gmk and make needle for 20 minutes which the over one has to play.

We can try to revive BINGO with the win8 problem out of the way.

There are alot of ideas outside of "basic" speedrunning. And even that you can turn into something else if you just run a single stage of a game multiple times for 20 minutes and then compara pb's.

Edit: but you're right. The "I don't wanna lose" mindset is pretty widespread here.

Announcements / Re: Team overhaul
« on: February 08, 2017, 11:56:43 AM »
Completely fine to refine the twitch team to your wishes. Your team, your rules. Its nice of you that you still put it up as a discussionable topic here nevertheless.

Only pro/con argument I see is actually that the autohost feature shares the attention of viewers if they check their following page between all members. There is no con here if a "boring" stream gets hosted because no person in the world would unfollow just because the wrong guy is hosted.

General Discussion / Re: Twitch prime
« on: October 04, 2016, 03:54:48 AM »
You might wanna consider going free-trial-prime at the right moment for maximum value.

I combined it with a larger order on amazon but you could go prime on the last day of the Hearthstone code present and maybe even catch the twitchdeal after the following one.

Game Design / Re: How to make Object Turn with no failing hitbox!
« on: July 15, 2016, 12:48:15 PM »
Insane coding. Thanks man.

Game Design / Re: RNG in avoidance. Doing it RIGHT.
« on: January 14, 2016, 06:59:34 AM »
Take the wall like a man and press "R". If you can't accept that some attempts are straight impossible then don't play it. There are enough people who will keep playing because rng is fine.

User-Made Creations / Re: I wanna be the Bear: Attack of the Girls
« on: December 15, 2015, 05:10:18 AM »
Okay thank you for the heads up. Won't download.

Game Design / Re: Mega Avoidance!! How to make it not too dificult/tedious?
« on: December 14, 2015, 09:48:25 AM »
Create the avoidance and beat it yourself. I am sure you will notice your design problems and find fixes for that.

If you do not want to play it yourself to see if it is ridicilious, don't create it in the first place.

Game Design / Re: Boss Rush
« on: September 09, 2015, 06:29:51 AM »
Bossrush comes with 2 design problems:

Time spent - You played a good fangame so far and flowed through the stages at a decent pace. You got maybe stuck at one place or two so far. Suddenly you have a room which blocks you from any other content in the game for a gigantic amount of time due to the sheer difficulty of the bosses. Getting to the K3 bossrush took people on release like 50-100 hours. Suddenly they get slapped for another 100 hours in this single room. The time ratio is just completely broken.

Bosses are a direct copy/slightly altered versions of existing bosses - some people dont want to get the first experience of a particular boss from a popular fangame in an already changed version. They want to see the original first. Thats why they stop.

Some games have a decent bossrush. I wanna be the Crysis had one which was not super time consuming and you actually had the possibility to skip out a few of them because you only needed to reach a certain treshhold of points.

The Lounge / Re: Keeping Calm?
« on: September 09, 2015, 02:57:56 AM »
If you despise the bossgrind you will only last 10, 20 or maybe 50 hours and then simply burnout from the game. If you like to play it/have fun with it you actively try to understand several details of the bosses which you were missing before because you just labeled it as "bullshit death".

Having fun and a game to switch off to if you notice that you become unconcentrated/frustrated is the best way to go.

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: Introducing!
« on: September 01, 2015, 02:07:33 PM »
I like the idea of posting frequent news being posted on delfruit. Makes the site a bit more lively.  :TriHard:

Tournaments / Re: WFC: Week 32 13.07.2015 - 19.07.2015 [END]
« on: July 20, 2015, 03:09:08 PM »
Thank you for playing!

Tournaments / WFC: Week 32 13.07.2015 - 19.07.2015 [END]
« on: July 13, 2015, 02:19:39 PM »

This weeks edition of Weekly Fangame Challenge is actually the last one. I want to take a break from a few obligations and then concentrate my energy on a new project soon. I am very happy that so many people played the games I picked together with friends and still amazed that we had this run going for over half a year. Thank you very much!

The main purpose of WFC was to provide people some suprise quality fangames which you otherwise would only find if you ask friends or veteran players who have been a bit longer around. It worked kinda like a favorite list where only 2 fangames were revealed every week to sort it handily for you.

If you want to continue playing handpicked fangames, I can recommend the Sunbla&ZeroG list and the Para's favorite list:



If you want to continue playing games for a bigger achievement I can also recommend you ShadowsDieAway's challenges on and I am sure you will find there also the one or the other treasure. :FrankerZ:

Current Spreadsheet: httpss://

Challenge: I wanna be the Biotope

This is definetly one of the harder challenges. Beware.

Beginner: I wanna Wednesday

You can find the game and the password on woo's community on nico.[Edit: works without account] I still need to check if you can access that without having an account. Both games are made by Kefey and are definetly two awesome adventures.

I will update the Spreadsheet after this week. If anybody wants to continue the project, I am pretty sure he can get my contact info.

I wish you good luck for the last time :FrankerZ:/

Tournaments / Re: WFC: Guest Week 31 06.07.2015 - 12.07.2015
« on: July 13, 2015, 01:57:20 PM »

Tournaments / Re: WFC: Guest Week 31 06.07.2015 - 12.07.2015
« on: July 09, 2015, 07:40:31 AM »
That Dieary picture is missing the red warp boss and has the blue warp secret.

Update the Dieary screenshot in the main post with my own playthrough. This is what the Trophy room finally is supposed to have atleast to complete the challenge. I will message Shadows that he is missing an item.

Tournaments / Re: WFC: Guest Week 31 06.07.2015 - 12.07.2015
« on: July 08, 2015, 04:34:56 PM »
Update: Edited the Mainpost with what the Dieary screenshot needs to contain.

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