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Messages - OhNoezEinPandy

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Meet and Greet! / Good Evening Everybody
« on: February 04, 2014, 05:48:59 PM »
I'm OhNoezEinPandy from Germany.

I'm a 21 years old half-german and half greek from Berlin and my IRL name is Pantelis but everybody calls me Pandy. I got into fangames through Boshy after playing the original IWBTG and started to watch fangamers in the first half of 2013.

I am fascinated by fangames because I like to find ways to "break" singleplayer gamedesign by abusing loopholes and bugs. Due to their usually high difficulty and precise controls, fangames are perfectly suited for me.

I'm usually tight-scheduled due to my current obligations, but I'm trying to stream some fangames from time to time on my channel:

I also try hard to troll tehjman1993 everytime I can on twitch. Kappa

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: Your worst fail in a fangame
« on: February 04, 2014, 05:19:33 PM »
Joining the failclub:

Or if you just want to see a screenshot:

Meet and Greet! / Re: hi
« on: January 28, 2014, 05:35:30 AM »
Hi and welcome to the community!

If you don't want to raise your voice in the streams you can do this here in the forums :)

User-Made Creations / Re: I wanna be the C. Z. Outrageous(Proto Ver)
« on: January 27, 2014, 08:56:57 AM »
I started this game on Regular because I thought it would be the default option. I just entered screen 2 of the 2nd area:

The first area has many repeating jumps and is already quite painful for a regular player because you get boobie trapped at the end of nearly every screen.

The second area has some problems with the ceiling and the tileset. You bonk your head everytime on the supposed 16x16 pixel ceiling because it is actually 32x32. The tileset is very misleading here.

I'll give it another try if I have the time. Non-restarting and non-standard tileset is atleast a big plus.

Programming Questions / Re: How do I rip a Tileset correctly?
« on: January 23, 2014, 01:18:21 PM »
Thank you Sephalos!

Your guide and the graphicsgale editor make my work easier by a lot.

Programming Questions / How do I rip a Tileset correctly?
« on: January 20, 2014, 12:24:29 PM »
Hello Everyone,

I just started on working on my first own project in Game Maker 8.1 // yuutuu engine.

The problem I have is not that I can't find the options to insert or create a background. It is actually the technique to bring the tiles to the shape of 32x32 pixels.

The technique I tried to use up until now was: go to -> open the picture in MSpaint -> cut out the whole room out of where I think I have everything I need -> go into gamemaker and create a new background and go into edit -> resize the shit out of it till it kinda matches the 32x32 grid.

The result is often an unsharp/not correctly cutted tileset. Is that the correct way of doing it and I just need to be 100 times more precise? Or is there a much more comfortable way of doing it?

Edit: I think cutting out single tiles pixel by pixel is the best solution for myself currently. But I will appreciate any comment if this is actually the way everybody does it!

Help, Suggestions & Feedback / Re: Improving community involvement
« on: January 20, 2014, 12:11:10 PM »
It is indeed a pretty need suggestion, but the races are already open to everyone. I jumped in myself as a pre-onlyviewer and try to participate now from time to time. Of course it would help to advertise the races with a set time in the forum but the requirements are pretty rough set by speedrunslive:

- You need to register by yourself on SRL (I think we got a guide around here in this forum)

- You need to have a considerable amount of upload to stream (and have basic knowledge a of a broadcaster program)

- You need the actual time to race (viewing half-afk a stream isn't an actual time consuming factor)

- You need to accept that you will eventually get destroyed hard (having an actual chance to win is quite considerable in the fun-factor for most people)

The problem isn't that the races aren't open to everyone, because they actually are. It is more convenient to just watch the race than participating in it.

-> What we actually could do is building up a set schedule for races, advertise in the channels and write simple guides in how to participate to ease the work of the viewer in order to make it more accessible to race. If we had enough people we could invent some kind of bracket system so we would have races in similiar terms of skill to
make it more exciting.

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