Well, so here are my suggestions to increase the list (The Box Trap series was supposed to be here, but I forgot nearly everything about these games, so I can't rate them for now. I'll play them again someday, and then add them to this post):
Perfection SeriesIt's weird how Perfection 1 is the only ranked game of the series here '-'
So, here are my suggestions for the other games of the series:
Lv 50: I Wanna be the Perfection 2 [Clear] - One word: Traps. The first Perfection didn't have any traps, but at the second Perfection you must deal with the annoying jumps AND the traps. Some of the traps might even make the game seem impossible at first glance, although most of them are just a matter of hidden paths. This is easily the hardest game in the series.
Lv 29: I wanna be the Perfection 3 [Clear] - And here the difficulty starts to decrease. Most of the floors are a matter of patience, and there are no hard jumps at all. I might give it a lower score, but it's not as easy as Enjoy the Game, so...
Lv 1: I wanna be the Perfection 4 [Medium] - This is the closest I ever saw to a Lv 0 game. Unlike the other Perfections, this one has no saves at all, so you must go through all of the game in one go. The only problem is that...There are NO spikes! It's simply impossible to die at this game. I know easier games, though (None that I would recommend), so I can't rate this one as Lv 0.
Lv 7: I wanna be the Perfection 4 [Hard] - Perfection 4 is the only Perfection game that changes according to the difficulty (The other ones will only change if you play on Impossible). There are still no saves, but now there are Spikes. Few spikes, but now you can die, so that's something.
Lv 42: I wanna be the Perfection 4 [Very Hard] - Yeah, the difficulty increases that much. The game itself isn't THAT hard, but some areas are really tricky, and, as always, there are no saves (The game isn't short either). Definitively harder than the first Perfection, although not even close to the second.
Lv 34: I wanna be the Perfection 5 [Clear] - Talk about being trivial. This one is still harder than Perfection 3, since there are some hard jumps here and there, but the difference isn't that great.
By the way, did I mention that Perfection 4 has a "Very Very Hard" mode?

(I'm not going to rank it, since I don't have enough patience to get past the second screen, but I'm sure that it's above Lv 70).
Gate KeeperI just love this game. Can't get enough of the needles u_u
Lv 59: I Wanna be the Gate Keeper [Clear] - On a later playthrough, I decided to lower this number...A bit. Then, again, the platforming is somewhat painful at some parts (Nothing absurd, but nothing I would put below the first two Uhuhu Spikes either). Also, there is the Final Boss. Well, the Final Boss isn't exactly HARD. But it takes some patience to defeat him. He shoots small projectiles (Nothing too scary compared to the first boss at Box Trap 1, but still annoying) at different patterns according to his HP, and when he is damaged, he gets invulnerability for quite a while. Plus, one of his attacks is really annoying to dodge, as it involves RNG combined with aimed attacks. You also must get to a high platform in order to shoot him, which is something...not really pleasant to do.
QoqoqoSuch a lovely 100-floor game u_u
Lv 99 Lv 72: I wanna Qoqoqo [Medium] - From the Ice Area on, this game gets awfully evil with the needle placing. This game has a mechanic that forces you to find your way through a maze of needles, by restricting your jumps so that you can only get to a specific platform if you jump from a specific place. Well, at the Ice Area, this mechanic is polished and the jumps start to get harder, so that you must do a lot of annoying jumps in one go. Things get even worse around Floor 83, at the Sky, where the difficulty starts to raise exponencially (Or maybe I just suck at infinite jumping. Doesn't matter.), and then, at the 90s, the game turns into a maze of spikes and platforms everywhere, with hard jumps everywhere. Also, even though the bosses aren't hard, their HP might still be annoying for some people.
BrisulphI actually don't really like this game, but some people might like it, so I thought of putting it here anyway...
Lv 54: I Wanna be Like Brisulph [Regular Pwnage] - Based on NES games...In a lot of ways. Most stages will require you to memorize a specific sequence of movements that you must follow within a specific time if you want to get through. The stages are short, but there are really few saves, which is really annoying sometimes. Also, the two last bosses are a perfect example of how to NOT make a RNG Boss. First, the Drones. You can't damage them. You just have to collect their 4 flags before they collect yours. Well, it wouldn't be too bad if:
- You didn't have to defeat them 3 times in a row (And the arena gets bigger and with more obstacles each time).
- They didn't spawn at random places (And what is worse, they'll nearly always spawn close to your flags. Of course. Sometimes, the fight ends after 3 seconds, thanks to that -.-)
- There weren't 4 of them.
Second, Brisulph has an attack where he'll spawn platforms at random places and fill the floor with spikes. This wouldn't be too bad...If the platforms didn't tend to block his only weak spot (Did I mention that he has 300 HP?).
I won't rate it higher because I don't think that it's harder than Fangame, but I won't rate it lower either, thanks to these two bosses.
Not Another Needle GameI'm surprised that this one isn't on the list '-'
Either way, my suggestion is:
Lv 71: Not Another Needle Game [Bad Ending][Clear] - Slightly higher than Magnanimity, I would say. Lots of hard jumps at each stage, mainly at the last floors. Not really much to say about this one.
Sonic DriveSpeaking of avoidances...This is one of the few that I can stand (It's not even 2 minutes long, anyway).
Lv 44: I Wanna Play the Sonic Drive [Clear] - The higher speed might be helpful...Or not. Either way, the avoidance isn't too hard, once you know how to do it, but the last attack is a pain. Also, RNG is hardly something good. Mainly at high speeds.
CulturedAs far as I know, it's alredy completed, so...
Lv 74: I Wanna Get Cultured [Normal] - Stages 6 and 7 are evil (Mainly stage 7). AND the Final Boss is pure hell (Easily one of the hardest bosses I've ever defeated). Easily harder than Kamilia 1 (WAY harder, by the way). Putting the game higher would mean putting it close to Catharsis and Flower, though, which is a big nope.
...TesseractHere is a long game (In a lot of ways) '-'
Lv 43: I wanna Conceptualize the Omnitruncated Tesseract [Clear][No secret] - Hardly the sort of game I would call hard, since there are few hard jumps. The bosses aren't too hard, either. However, the game is as lenghty as its name, which is...Something to take into consideration.
AlphabetThere is the "extra" but there isn't the "no extra"...Weird '-'
Lv 22: I wanna be the Alphabet [No extra][Clear] - Easy from the beginning to the end. Slightly lower than Enjoy the Game, I would say.
NormalAnother unknown game here '-'
Lv 49: I wanna be the Normal [Medium] - Around the same level as Perfection 2. I would rate it lower, but the first screen of Stage 2 doesn't allow me to. Also, the bosses are somewhat challenging (Exception for Stage 4's Boss, boring as hell).
Novelty SeriesProbably my favorite series of fangames u_u
I'm surprised that it's not on the list, as well '-'
Lv 56: I wanna Make the Novelty [Medium] - Each stage has a different gimmick, but some of them are just too evil (Mainly Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, Stage 4, Stage 5 and Stage 6 '-'). Also, Stage 7's Boss is one hell of an avoidance, and Stage 8's Boss is...I have no words to describe that thing. Oh, and the Final Boss is really annoying, as well
Lv 51: I wanna Make the Novelty 2 [Medium] - Platforming is slightly easier than Novelty 1 (Stage 2 is an exception), and the bosses are WAY easier. Stage 5's boss is infuriating, though.
Escape RealityShort, but really fun. I laughed a lot on the Final Boss, too.
Lv 51: I wanna Escape Reality - The RNG platforms at the Wood Stage won't allow me to put this any lower. The game is really fair on the other saves, though, so I think that this ranking is alright.
The Diva BatlesI nearly forgot this one. As far as I know, its Miku is one of the first Miku avoidances ever made. Probably one of the best, too.
PS: I made a note about completing Miku Endurance because there is a glitch at the Boss Fight that allows you to reach the Clear Screen before the endurance starts. So, keep on mind that this ranking is based on the assumption that you've survived through the whole endurance. That being said...
Lv 40: The Diva Batles [Medium][Complete Miku Endurance] - Platforming is way too easy. No hard jumps at all, no lack of saves, no cheap gimmicks. The problem comes with the Boss. First, some of the predictable attacks have a weird pattern that is annoying to dodge. Second, the RNG attacks are evil . And finally, the blood falling from the ceiling is unsettling

Well, these are my opinions for now. I'll edit this post later if I beat any other interesting games.