Since you updated the game I played through it again for a 3rd time and I gotta say you did a nice job with this update. I've only played the I Wanna Descend Into Hell section not the I Wanna Ascend out of Hell yet.
The problems with the bosses I mention earlier are fixed. They are actually very well done, congrats. My only complaint is that they are still really easy but then again I've been playing Get Rekt a lot so that might be why x3 Still great job with fixing the bosses, a lot more fun.
Music Loops in Wall of Flesh tile set. Congrats the music loops great, I just wish you didn't replace the song

I loved the old song but then again I'm majoring in music and a huge orchestra nerd so that might just be me again. But that Oboe solo in the old song was just

Well not many problems I've encounter other than being really very picky. The first thing I had was in secret 3 with the triggers on the top of the room. Here a picture to help you understand (First Picture)
That Spike I have circle so many times, that trigger is really strict and the hardest trigger I had to dodge in a fangame. It is so precise I spent 20 minutes just trying to get past that secret. If you jump over from the bottom or fall in from the top you have like half a second to dodge and it really hard too since you can't really set it up like others. I would say move the trigger up higher and make it a little slower so instead you just do the gate jump, trigger and jump back through the gate or around so it not as precise.
Second problem I had was save placements. In the second picture that features the Magic Mirror which still still kill you even if you enter the correct mirror in the wrong way. Maybe remove the spikes around the spawning section so the player has time to react before they fall to their doom or make it through. This is just for the correct mirrors though, for the incorrect ones, by all means just spawn them on top of spikes but if they have a correct mirror and enter it a wrong way and die, it will just lead to more confusion to that player. So if correct please give them a fair chance to live by removing the spikes around the new spawning station, at least so they have a second to react.
Anyways back to the save placement problem, this is being extremely picky but now that you have save blockers, please add move saves to the ground and add save blockers. You don't have to do this for every save but for the save as shown in the second picture, where you have to use both jumps to get around those spikes, it just an annoyance. Again very very minor, not a real problem to the game.
Over all I really like the new changes

I just wish it was in a different engine because now that I actually have some experience with fangames and actually decent with fangames, Yosniper's engine just feels so weird. It will take users a long time to adjust to it, it even took me like 10 minutes to adjust to it but I've beaten Descend into Hell and Praise the Sun so I have experience with his engine now. I don't hate his engine though and I will still play games that uses his engine, it just makes the game that uses them much harder. For your future project I hope you try out another engine because I really think you are a good level designer and switching to a different engine will get a lot more people to play your games. Good luck with the fixes Kyir. Next stop Ascend out of Hell