Hey Guys!
You may have heard that
GM8.1 is rip... I think I speak for everyone when I say:

However, this marks the beginning of a new era in fangame development...
Sephalos and I have joined forces to bring you a new Fangame Engine, this time for Game Maker Studio!Game Maker Studio is completely free and quite stable (no more asking around for downloads, or having glitchy GM8 crashes). I took the existing GMS engine on the wiki, and gave it some tender lovin' care. Then, Seph joined forces with me to do some work of his own! Here's a selection of things you'll find:
- Physics fixes - the infamous Zurai Strats still work, and you can't get stuck in blocks, nor can spikes in blocks kill you.
- Added an extension to save your save files to the same directory as the game
- Included a little overlay that displays your deathtime in the game - useful if you have the free edition of GMS and can't update the window caption, and completely optional!
- If you're used to the Seph engine, you'll be used to this one - We tried to structure it the same way!
- It comes with a nice main menu, complete with control bindings and other neat features, ready for you to customize!
All of this on top of the new GMS platform, which gives you better performance and neat new features!
However, we'd like to ask you for
your help now. We're pretty much ready to release, but we want to get some feedback from developers in the community on the physics and features we've developed for you. If any of you would like to help us make the best engine we can, please try it out and let us know what you think!
Note that we don't recommend you start any big projects with this engine just yet... while everything seems like it works, it could use a bit of testing to confirm that it's 100% stable and correct.
Develop at your own risk!Download the v0.961 Beta version of the KS Engine here!NOTE: Make sure to use the "zip export" mode when compiling your final game! You need this in order for save files to appear in the same folder as your game. I don't think that's an option with standalone executable mode. If you still want to use a standalone executable, you'll have to standby until I can test and verify a method to put save files back into the AppData folder, right now they're being put in the temp folder where your game is being extracted to!
NOTE 2: This engine was developed and tested in GM Studio version 1.4.1567. I have received confirmation from yoyogames that collision detection behavior is changing for version 1.4.1598. if you use KSv0.9 or earlier in GMSv1.4.1598, no walkoff aligns will work, and spikes in blocks will kill you. Therefore,
if you're using version 0.9 or earlier of the KS engine, you must use GM Studio version 1.4.1567. I am working on a fix for 1.4.1598, and I'll maintain both versions until 1.4.1598 is officially released.
-New physics engine to better match the standard Yuuutu-type physics without bugs (thanks to YoYoYoDude1!)
-Inability to bunnyhop / getting stuck in screen transitions should be fixed thanks to above
-Fixed misplaced GUI in fullscreen mode and at top of screen in general
-Cleaned up many unnecessary objects/sprites/sounds
-Added more comments in code
-Added vines
-Fixed roomChanger crash when walking between rooms
-Fixed player getting sucked into blocks if a platform is placed next to it
-Fixed walkoff aligns for all spikes
-Fixed deathtime GUI being out of place if the room scrolls
-Fixed bug with platforms that caused the player to get stuck if next to a block
-Added minispikes, miniblocks (note: walk-off align seems bugged for leftward-facing minispikes)
-Menu now reflects the correct keybinds for accept/back
-Added editor-only icons
-Added saveblocker object
-Fixed blood sticking to corners in midair
-Moved blood in front of spikes
-Added ability to enable/disable difficulty select
-Fixed music restart on F2
-Fixed sndCherry, sndBlockChange, sndBossHit missing from engine
-Added savefile indicator in main menu
-Corrected views (should be all 800x600 now)
-Added 'readme's to many objects
-Other minor fixes/alterations
-Intial beta release
please helperoni
we do this shit for you guys
we fixeroni