I be honest when I first played this game I actually didn't know that it was unfinished so when I first played it I thought the game was bad because of the ending. However seeing the new update and playing through all of it again my opinion changed. It a good game but it does have it ups and downs and I'm still progressing through this game so my opinion may change when I finally finish the game and the game is also finally finished but here a list of how I feel about that game so far. Now this will have spoilers so please keep that in mind if you are just starting off or are still relatively early in the game.
Fun Level DesignGreat Music- I really love Orchestra Music
Fun Gimmicks- Extra jump that vine rope climb works great.
Zelda Chime for when you are in the same screen that leads to the secret. Makes finding the secrets much easier.
Added Bosses- YESSS It feels so much better to know I'm making progress after beating a boss
Magic Mirror Gimmick- You should know right away if you have the right mirror or not. I shouldn't have to jump into the mirror a certain way just so I live. I think if you have the right mirror you should live, now after that fair game but if you take the right mirror, you shouldn't die right away because you enter it the wrong way.
Music Loop in the Wall of Flesh Area. Please, Please PLEASE Fix this music loop! I honestly thought I broke the game because the music stops playing for 3 minutes! I love the music it amazing, and that oboe solo just

(Bit of a music nerd here sorry). Really fitting music for that area as well but it feels so weird when you have silence for 3 minutes of it. Please fix this.
Bosses- So far super easy but I know you just added them in so I won't go far on that. The second boss doesn't attack you by the way just a heads up.
(Very Minor Glitch I found)
1st area screen skip glitch. This is the screen right before the boss if I remember correctly but after clearing the screen before and you fall down. If you up back up that gap and move right you can skip that whole screen. I found it on accident trying to see if that diamond on the right had a secret or not.
I Wanna Ascend out of Hell Bonus- I actually thought this area was really neat. My only complaint is that the clouds make it a cheap difficulty in the beginning but that was easy. However it does has a huge difficulty curves and gets pretty dang hard fast (at least for newcomers) For example there a part where you have to do a drop that has triggers and the only way down is do 2 invents while falling and a diagonal at the end.
Honestly this part drove me mad because I honestly felt like it was more luck than skill because I can't really get a sense on how high to jump for the invent due to the drop. The Next screen is again pretty easy until the last save where I feel like the timing for the 2nd to last jump is just really strict.
Now don't get me wrong having strict timing for jumps isn't a bad thing but when you go from super easy to super hard after a single save is very poor level design. Maybe I don't get the timing so it may just be me at the moment since I just got there not to long ago. But it feels strict to me since it seems as soon as I hit the cloud in the bottle/extra jump I die a second right after.
Overall Opinion on the Game:
That last area with the fairies is the last screen I am currently at but overall I feel like this game is really amazing and has a lot of potential to be a good game. The descend into hell area is great for newcomers and the ascend from hell section is challenging for both experience and newcomers although maybe just a bit too much for newcomers. I really love the game, I love the gimmicks, and the music but there a few things I wish that were fixed to help make this a much better game as stated above. I would rank this game a 7/10 and a 8.5/10 once the glitches and complaints I had are addressed.