Sorry to necro a thread.
For some reason, when I try using this engine, it runs way faster than other fangames. The room speed is 100% set to 50. I've tested it at various other room speeds, 30, 40 and 49. They all function as they should. However, fifty, for whatever reason, is a bit faster. You can see it being demonstrated in this gif

I've spent a lot of time trying to figure this out, but nothing seems to work. I've tried setting the room_speed through code, setting vsync to true instead of false, and using game_set_speed. I have a sneaking suspicion it's a fault of GameMaker and not Yoyo's engine.
The closest I've gotten to a fix is using
in the Game Start event. But you can probably tell a very slight difference. If anyone has any idea how to solve this, I'll kiss you on the mouth

EDIT: The gif really doesn't show it off very well. It's a lot more noticeable when you're playing it. The jumps feel a lot heavier and more precise.