Author Topic: I Wanna Be The Mirror v0.06 Update (06/26/2014)  (Read 5118 times)


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I Wanna Be The Mirror v0.06 Update (06/26/2014)
« on: April 11, 2014, 10:59:09 PM »
I Wanna Be The Mirror

Tool : Game Maker 8
Engine : I Wanna Be The Engine trial (tijit's engine)
Version : 0.06
I Wanna Be The Mirror is a project I've been working on for a couple years (I think it started somewhere on early 2012, but I barely worked on the game on 2013 and late 2012), it went through multiple full remakes (at first it wasn't going to be Metroidvania styled) and I have finally decided to release a public version. The game's goal is to get 8 Mirror Pieces (yeah, Kirby&The Amazing Mirror reference there), however I haven't implemented those yet because of the early stage of the game.
On contrast to most fangames, not everything will kill you in one hit on this game. Instead you have a health bar, when that health bar goes down to zero you die. However, spikes and some hazards will still kill you in one hit!. Another thing that should be noted is that you start the game WITHOUT double jump, you'll adquire it later on the game.
This game uses fmod for external music and sound loading, and a few BGOs are loaded externally so don't modify anything on the Sprites, DLL, Music and Sound folders because that may lead to errors.

They're mentioned on the readme that comes with the game, but I felt I should post them here aswell since some aren't mentioned in game, and I forgot to include the examine button in the readme:
Left/Right keys: Move left/right
Up: Examine
Shift: Jump/Double jump/Accept
Z: Shoot
X: Grab/Cancel
A: Use equipped item
Enter: Open in-game menu

(click to show/hide)


Known issues
(click to show/hide)

I hope you enjoy the game and please report any issue you find  :atkHappy:.
EDIT : DL Link updated, and luckily I got MF to work. The changelog is included on the download, but the most important changes are that the Ghost House is now almost finished, the achievements are now working (this still needs a lot of work, and the hints to both achievements are quite vague) and I changed the way throwing objects work (now you have to press X instead of having to release X).
« Last Edit: June 26, 2014, 12:24:40 PM by TheMarios327 »


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Re: I Wanna Be The Mirror v0.05
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2014, 11:12:38 PM »
This is what we call an RPG I Wanna. It's a pretty good game is all I can say. Keep up with the good work.  :atkWaifu:


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Re: I Wanna Be The Mirror v0.05
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2014, 11:21:04 PM »
Guest 10:16:35 PMPosting in I Wanna Be The Mirror v0.05

Anyways, based on the screenshots, those graphics are really fucking good. My only complaint is the spike sprites, but that's just a little thing.

Can't wait to play this! I would now, but have you ever heard of IWBTG on Kindle? :Kappa:


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Re: I Wanna Be The Mirror v0.05
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2014, 11:24:21 PM »
Might wanna concider Mediafire for your files. The one you got there is pretty terrible.


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Re: I Wanna Be The Mirror v0.05
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2014, 01:24:28 AM »
Might wanna concider Mediafire for your files. The one you got there is pretty terrible.
I normally use Mediafire, but apparently my internet is bad enough that the upload stays at 0% forever. I had the same issue with a few other uploaders and DF seems to be the only one that I can upload files easily, even though it's really shit to download there. I'll probably ask someone to upload on MF for me on later versions, or just wait some months where I might be getting a slightly better internet connection.

Guest 10:16:35 PMPosting in I Wanna Be The Mirror v0.05

I'll probably be doing a small update in a couple days improving a couple things and hopefully get into making the tutorial which is really needed.


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Re: I Wanna Be The Mirror v0.05
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2014, 02:39:59 AM »
Guest 10:16:35 PMPosting in I Wanna Be The Mirror v0.05
That happens a lot, I think. It happened to me too, so I wrote about it on the bug thread
« Last Edit: April 12, 2014, 03:45:26 AM by HAEGOE »
a.k.a. tasteisgone
pronounciaton of HAEGOE is HAEGWE, not HAEGO.



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Re: I Wanna Be The Mirror v0.05
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2014, 09:23:40 AM »
If you can't use MediaFire, try Dropbox or Mega. They're pretty good file hosting services.


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Re: I Wanna Be The Mirror v0.06 Update (06/26/2014)
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2014, 12:14:40 PM »
Updated to v0.06. Took more time than expected because I implemented the Double Jump, which lead to a lot of issues/getting to places that lead to nowhere, also making the second achievement possible took quite a while.


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Re: I Wanna Be The Mirror v0.06 Update (06/26/2014)
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2014, 09:00:33 AM »
I played the latest version and wanted to give you some of my thoughts.

I like the right side path a lot better than the left side.   The enemies take way way way too many shots to kill to the point of being silly.  You also have no way to heal on the right path.   This is a double edged sword your playing with the HP bar.   If you are going to have it in the game, you need to be better about giving the player ways to manage it.  Getting stuck in front of a boss with 1 HP left with no way back or to heal could be a problem.

The changes to the grab mechanic are a lot better than the last version.  It works exactly the way you would expect it to which is great.

I went through the cave area and it dumped me out someplace on the left path of no importance which kind of had me asking what the point was.

Also you have this puzzle room in the left path where there is a golden mushroom.   All my playthroughs end in that room.  Is this room mandatory?   The puzzle in there is completely retarded, actually a lot of your puzzle rooms are over the top, especially for how early in the game they are.  Your asking a lot from a player who has only been in your game a few minutes before you have earned their trust imo.  I'm just not a fan of any of them, but specifically the gold mushroom room where I spent far more time than it deserved, and there is no way to back out of it once your down there.  If this room is mandatory you need to tone it way down imo.


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Re: I Wanna Be The Mirror v0.06 Update (06/26/2014)
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2014, 07:45:08 PM »
I went through the cave area and it dumped me out someplace on the left path of no importance which kind of had me asking what the point was.
The Cave area on the Mario path has an item you can obtain, though it spawns later on the game. I guess I should block that path until that item spawns, since the other stuff you can get in there requires djump, which is adquired almost at the end of this version.
Did'nt know enemies had that much health, which made me notice that me and both of my testers are pretty good at spamming the shoot button. Already toned down the health of the enemies by a large ammount. The only way to heal on the right side was to kill enemies (most have 1/5 chance to drop a heart, exceptions are those who have 100% chance to drop blue rupees), but now I've added a couple hearts over the path (they won't appear if you play on Hard or higher though). Also added Health Boxes right before each boss, hopefully this makes the HP bar better because this has been a problem on every version.

The yellow mushroom room isn't that bad imo, as soon as you know how each platform moves it's easy. I did nerf it though (removed most of it actually) since it's a long segment when compared to the ones behind it, hopefully it'll be better in the next version.
This also made me rethink on some segments later on the game, where you have to backtrack through some rooms you already did, I'll most likely add ways to skip those.
Thanks for the feedback, hopefully I can get the beginning of the game done right soon.