I Wanna Be The MirrorAbout:Tool : Game Maker 8
Engine : I Wanna Be The Engine trial (tijit's engine)
Version : 0.06
I Wanna Be The Mirror is a project I've been working on for a couple years (I think it started somewhere on early 2012, but I barely worked on the game on 2013 and late 2012), it went through multiple full remakes (at first it wasn't going to be Metroidvania styled) and I have finally decided to release a public version. The game's goal is to get 8 Mirror Pieces (yeah, Kirby&The Amazing Mirror reference there), however I haven't implemented those yet because of the early stage of the game.
On contrast to most fangames, not everything will kill you in one hit on this game. Instead you have a health bar, when that health bar goes down to zero you die. However, spikes and some hazards will still kill you in one hit!. Another thing that should be noted is that you start the game WITHOUT double jump, you'll adquire it later on the game.
This game uses fmod for external music and sound loading, and a few BGOs are loaded externally so don't modify anything on the Sprites, DLL, Music and Sound folders because that may lead to errors.
Controls:They're mentioned on the readme that comes with the game, but I felt I should post them here aswell since some aren't mentioned in game, and I forgot to include the examine button in the readme:
Left/Right keys: Move left/right
Up: Examine
Shift: Jump/Double jump/Accept
Z: Shoot
X: Grab/Cancel
A: Use equipped item
Enter: Open in-game menu
Screenshots:Download:https://www.mediafire.com/download/0jg6q0ayrvbbrrm/I+Wanna+Be+The+Mirror+v0.06.rarKnown issues*When getting to another screen while holding shift, the double jump will be triggered instantly.
*To progress on the game you have to talk with a NPC to do a quest for him, however the game never let's you know that you made progress after talking to it, and if you don't save and die after talking to it, you'll have to go back to talk with him again (this is intended, but the game should let you know when you make progress by talking to someone). This issue happens a couple times on the current version.
*When standing on a carryable (is that even a word, lol) block, the game takes a bit to recognize that the player is standing on it (this means that you won't be able to jump after a few, probably 1-2, frames of hitting the block).
*There's no tutorial.
*There may be a bit too much one-hit kill hazards, which might make the health bar look useless.
*The hints to both achievements are quite vague.
I hope you enjoy the game and please report any issue you find

EDIT : DL Link updated, and luckily I got MF to work. The changelog is included on the download, but the most important changes are that the Ghost House is now almost finished, the achievements are now working (this still needs a lot of work, and the hints to both achievements are quite vague) and I changed the way throwing objects work (now you have to press X instead of having to release X).