Well... that kinda makes everything pointless in the grand scheme of things. But regardless!
13 hours on those fucking asshole demons, and now I'M THE FUCKIN' CRIMSON! I'M NOW ON YOUR LEVEL, KALE! I'M ON YOUR FUCKIN' LEVEL!!!
My victory was an odd one, too. Wound up activating the water cubes too early, and I thought "screw it, I'll just play and practice before I die." Wound up taking out Blue and Red first while jumping around those water blocks, and before I know it, I'm steadily whittling down Yellow and Green until they die, ALL WHILE STILL HOPPING ON THOSE DAMN WATER BLOCKS. It goes without saying I was damn stoked to have this game finally beaten.
But my overall impression of the game: I feel like I could've liked it a lot if I were better skilled. Traps and spike arrays were great and well-put, but my scrub-ness kept me from keeping a consistent pace. And the bosses, oh dear lord the bosses. It's because of the last one that I'll never beat Kamilia 2: bosses like that just bring a game to a grinding halt, so it'd be hard to get motivated to get past just one of those fuckers, much less three.
Now then, what's next?

Oh Hell the Fuck No