Kill the Maker made me curious for Box Trap, and it turns out to be... fairly easy. Save for an annoying first boss, the game is a simplistic bit of needle/adventure. Might try the two sequels at some later point.
Payment was a game that's been on my Incomplete List for a long time, despite being a really short game. Consisting of only four rooms, four bosses, four secret items, and a Miku fight, it's taken me months to finally buckle down and finish it. Each room has a gimmick, which range from fun to annoying, as is the case with getting the secrets and fighting the bosses. The Miku fight was the longest part for me, since the gimmick of the fight is INVISIBLE PROJECTILES. But after a while it turned out to be simplistic, although I choked twice to the last attack, resulting in even more game time down the drain. But, it's finally done, and I can be rid of it forever.
(The 8's in that screen kill you, btw
