Actually Kinata found out that Brute was possible, but save was so stupidely dumb, that he uses the mod anyway.
If I remember correctly, there used to be 2 saves that were impossible and Kinata figured out that one of them was possible with vertical align. Did'nt know he figured out the other one aswell.
The 2 "impossible" parts were both in 1 save. 1 was the diamond you mentioned and 1 was the drop behind it. You have to do the drop in a very weird way to make it possible.
Lol. There were 3 "impossible" parts. 1 was the squished diamond that I proved was possible with V-align and an awkward falling forward movement. Then there's the fall. I think you misunderstood what I said in the stream. When I was talking about doing the drop in a very weird way, I was in fact referring to the modded version. The original is completely impossible, which should be apparent from the fact that even after fixing it, it is still just barely possible.

There's also the first jump in the segment right before the water section that is pretty definitely impossible. So in summary, Brute is still impossible without mod.