Oh I remember this list. Some random notes

I don't get why Boshy on rape is at Lv 96. I remember beating every world bar 2, 4 and 10 without problems, and I have gotten quite far on those worlds I haven't beaten, and I'm not that good at Boshy. Similar case with IWBTG on impossible being at Lv95. Impossible/very hards should'nt be included if you ask me, since most of these games are designed to be played on medium (and some few on hard). IMO The only exception to this are games that actually get harder when playing on a harder difficulty setting (like Play The Endurance 2 and Popularity) rather than just having to last longer until reaching a save.
I also don't get what Revolution is doing at Lv94; none of those bosses is hard to perfect at all, specially since there's no random attacks which means it's all about memory. Maybe I'll give you Yawaraka, but it's way too short and it's not really that hard when compared to harder non-random stuff like Evans or Double Lariat from IWBTMusic on Extreme :X. Sunspike being lower than Galaxy really bothers me, although I'm fairly certain that the reason of why Sunspike took me around 7.5k deaths is my keyboard so nvm that

Also, what Kinata said about Brute of a Man, imo it should be Lv97 or at least Lv96 :V. But actually, Brute of a Man is impossible without a "mod" or anything of the likes, so idk if it should be on the list.