Hello, Iīm Gaborro, but I would prefer that you call me Gabo. Iīm not so new to fangames, but after two years, I finally decided to present myself, because I was kind of shy. I am a mexican 15 years old player. I started playing fangames because I was a fan of platforming games, and I was looking for challenging and hard games from the genre. I ended up finding IWBTG, which I managed to beat on medium. After playing, I wanted to see people react to playing this game, and I found that there were a lot of fangames, and then, I found the wiki on Ultragamerīs channel

. I really enjoyed playing all types of fangames, but I really like avoidance

. Needle is fun too!

. My hardest clear for me was the Boss 2 from K3, but Iīm currently working on beating DP (Leehe avoidance

) I hope we can be good friends and share experiences about our fangame adventures!

PD: You may recognize me barely from my twitch Gabolaser14 (retarded name I made when I was younger

) lurking in some twitch channels.