Fangames > Tools & Software

Jtool - a new RMJ-type thing

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Just released an update, 1.1.0, which contains a lot of UI fixes and tweaks. The download link is in the original post, which I also rewrote. Enjoy! :)

Here's the change log:
(click to show/hide)--- 1.1.0   12/4/15 ---
LOTS of small UI tweaks
Shoot / Z Saves map property
No longer skip positions if moving mouse quickly when placing or removing objects
Death counter and FPS displays
Seperate grid overlay size from grid snap size
Palette: bigger buttons, feedback when selecting, hide rarely used objects in combobox, tooltips
Menu: reorder buttons, add more icons
"Hide Sidebar" now resizes window
Button to toggle mouse coordinates
New icon
Clean up readme / documentation pages
Refactor of button code
Two new easter eggs

Great features, but I can't try it because of the ''FATAL ERROR''. BTW, I'm so happy to see you guys again.

Would it be possible to include gravity modifiers in all 4 directions?

Wendex fan:

I haven't touched Jtool (the source code, anyway) for 2 months, but the past few days I worked quite a bit on it and added a few new features, so here's version 1.2.0.

The download link is in the original post. Here's the change log:

--- 1.2.0   2/1/16 ---
Easier-to-parse map format
Rearrange depth of blocks, spikes, water
Easily erase objects beneath water
Killer / solid border map property
Check for new version on startup
Show filename in window caption
Include brown block skin
Fix rare map corruption bug
Lower death sound volume
A few misc tweaks
One new easter egg


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