Fangames > Engines

I Wanna Be The Studio Engine YoYoYo Edition

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yay slopes

So, where are the ladders?

Noticed something. When riding on a rising platform, you will continue to go through the block above until you get stuck. As far as i know, the kid must fall from the platform instead of going through blocks isn't it?


--- Quote from: Enoymas on June 03, 2016, 11:30:04 AM ---Noticed something. When riding on a rising platform, you will continue to go through the block above until you get stuck. As far as i know, the kid must fall from the platform instead of going through blocks isn't it?

--- End quote ---

Standard fangame engine behavior is for the player to get stuck in blocks if a platform pushes him into one.
This can be easily tweaked if you change the object order to have the platform objects above the block objects like this. However, this might come with other possible bugs as I haven't tested it thoroughly.

I'm having an issue that's probably related to not knowing how GMS works and not to the engine itself, but I've been trying for like 2 days now to figure this out with no luck. When I try to compile the game, I get a window pop up wanting me to open a file. I have no idea what file it wants me to open, and no tutorials or the manual for setting up GMS say anything about this, so I click cancel. I then get an error box saying "Compile Failed - Please check the Compile window for any additional information" but this is all that's in Compile window:

(click to show/hide)Compile started: 6:27:37 PM
"C:\Users\8'- mk\AppData\Roaming\GameMaker-Studio\GMAssetCompiler.exe" /c /m=win  /config="Default" /tgt=64 /obob=True /obpp=False /obru=True /obes=False /i=4 /cvm /tp=2048 /mv=1 /iv=0 /rv=0 /bv=1757 /gn="IWBT Engine" /td="C:\" /cd="C:\GMS\Cache" /sh=True /dbgp="6502" /hip="" /hprt="51268" /o="C:\\gm_ttt_99219\gm_ttt_19076" "C:\Users\8'- mk\Documents\GameMaker\Projects\IWBT\IWBT"

Asset Compile finished: 6:27:41 PM
Compile finished: 6:27:41 PM
I've tried Google Searching the issue the best I could but everything is either 3+ years old or completely unrelated to my issue and this is the only place I can think of to ask for help. :<


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