Fangames > Engines

I Wanna Be The Studio Engine YoYoYo Edition

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What does the message asking you to open a file say?

This is all that is shown in the "Open" dialog:


I think it has something to do with GMS's Asset Compiler because if I do select a file, doesn't matter what file, I get this error box:


--- Quote from: Templarfreak on June 11, 2016, 07:47:56 PM ---I think it has something to do with GMS's Asset Compiler because if I do select a file, doesn't matter what file, I get this error box:

--- End quote ---
Weird. I also get that message sometimes (i don't know if it says exactly the same or not), but i'm never asked to open a file, and resetting GM solves it perfectly.
Do you get the same error if you try to compile the game (for distribution)?


--- Quote from: L4Vo5 on June 12, 2016, 01:40:31 AM ---Do you get the same error if you try to compile the game (for distribution)?

--- End quote ---

Yep, it still wants me to open a file and gives the same error.

EDIT: I even reinstalled GameMaker, once just uninstalling and the second time a completely fresh install.

EDIT2: If I select my project file, I get some progress. This is the log from that:

(click to show/hide)Compile started: 5:49:14 PM
"C:\Users\8'- mk\AppData\Roaming\GameMaker-Studio\GMAssetCompiler.exe" /c /m=win  /debug /config="Default" /tgt=64 /obob=True /obpp=False /obru=True /obes=False /i=4 /cvm /tp=2048 /mv=1 /iv=0 /rv=0 /bv=1757 /gn="IWBTEngine" /td="C:\" /cd="C:\GMS\Cache" /sh=True /dbgp="6502" /hip="" /hprt="51268" /o="C:\\gm_ttt_11167\gm_ttt_77535" "C:\GameMaker-Studio 1.4\Projects\\"

Reading project file....finished.
Compile Constants...finished.
Remove DnD...finished.
Compile Scripts...finished.
Compile Objects...finished.
Compile Timelines...finished.
Compile Triggers...finished.
Compile Rooms...finished.
Compile Extensions...finished.
Final Compile...finished.
Saving IFF file... C:\GameMaker-Studio 1.4\Projects\\
Asset Compile finished: 5:49:17 PM
Compile finished: 5:49:17 PM
The crash dialog for AssetCompiler says Illegal characters in path, but I'm not sure which characters would be that. I've tried making a new folders with no special characters at all and I still get that.
(C:\GameMaker\Projects\\ and C:\GameMaker\Projects\IWBTEngine\)

(click to show/hide)
Sorry I have to pollute this thread with this, but the GameMaker forums are down right now and I have no idea where else I could get help debugging this.

EDIT3: I figured out what the issue was. "/o="C:\\gm_ttt_11167\gm_ttt_77535"" there are two slashes, C:\\. This is because in preferences the Temp Directory was set to C:\. I'm not sure if C:\ is default or not, but I'd have to imagine not since it causes this error, so I must have set it to that.


--- Quote from: YoYoYoDude1 on August 23, 2015, 12:39:54 PM ---To set what music you want a room to play, change the "scrGetMusic" script. You can also place an objPlayMusic object in the room and set the variable "BGM" in its creation code. If you want something to stop music, use "scrStopMusic()".

--- End quote ---

I assume I could also use a sound engine like FMod instead, correct? (I'm sorry, I'm still new to this ^-^)


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