Added a snow area. Merry Christmas.The game music now is affected by how fast your computer runs relative to the game's natural speed. It'll decrease the music speed/pitch if your computer runs slower than 50 FPS.Got a new logo and title screen.Added about 8 more death themes.
Added the 4th partner: Ana from M

Switched GameMaker versions I think, right before release (got new comp for christmas with a version of GMStudio preinstalled. PLEASE TELL ME IF THE PHYSICS ARE BROKE.)
Tried to add "merry christmas and happy new year" to the message of the day, but see the above note. I don't have that font on this thing yet.
Made the masochist snow area not impossible-ish.
Added some more NPC huts.
Fixes for psychopath mode.
Renamed psychopath mode to lunatic mode, then changed it back.
Fixed the player running animation. It was offcenter by 1 pixel.
Added more sounds to the sound test in the level select.
The Kid makes an appearance and completely calls out every fangame maker ever.
Added more information to the debug mode info list.
Kinda fixed the spam-shift-to-break-the-game-from-the-logo-screen glitch.
Fixed the save-zero glitch kinda?
Moved the title, options, difficulty, file select, and controls to one single room. They function as before, but with more efficiency now.
Changed the rain particles again.
Removed the option to change music speeds since that's overridden by the new music speed updater.
Fixed some dialog.
Clicking the blood, GAME OVER screen, save points, etc, now display the correct key to press to interact with them respectively.
The cursor lights up when selecting my logo or the reset controls option on the main menu.
Other small, minute differences.
Changed tag: Beta Build 3.