DOWNLOAD: DOWNLOAD: This is the sequel to the first IDWBA. This one works a little different than the previous one. It's much less trollish and focuses on exploration. It kinda feels like a metroidvania game. This game is complete, but I may add extras in future releases.
An issue that may happen occasionally is that when you open the game, an error will pop out saying something about "sxms". That is an issue with the music engine I use and, unfortunately, I cannot fix it, since the engine is unsupported and I don't have access to the source code.

What I do to fix it is to close programs that use sounds like Skype or Chrome. If that doesn't work, all you can do is reboot the computer...

Windows 10 users: the game works with it. If you're having trouble, reboot your computer and try running the game.
There's a good chance you'll come across a situation where you don't know where to go, since there are quite a few places to explore. While I don't make a map for the game, you can check out this one (Thank you Geezer!

):, I'd like to thank the people who helped me polish this game:
Paragus Rants
And, finally, some screenshots: