Fangames > Engines
I Wanna Be the Engine KS Edition (For GMStudio)
--- Quote from: Kyir on August 31, 2015, 12:34:52 AM ---Praise Jesus
--- End quote ---
I'm not certain if you're aware but when in Full Screen mode the GUI gets wonky with where it's placed and doesn't scale properly with full screen.
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Sorry! Looks like Game Maker Studio doesn't scale GUIs with the rest of the game... to fix it add this to the Room Start event of the world object:
--- Code: ---display_set_gui_size(view_wview[0], view_hview[0]);
--- End code ---
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I think this warrants a new version, hopefully there haven't been any complaints on the new physics engine!
EDIT: OK now that I've updated the first post, here's the...
Detailed Changelog for the KS Engine v0.961:
New physics engine to better match the standard Yuuutu-type physics without bugs (thanks to YoYoYoDude1!)
Inability to bunnyhop / getting stuck in screen transitions should be fixed thanks to above
The new physics engine that Yoyo worked out should be more accurate, and everything seems to work fine. If you're updating, you'll need to remove all the end step code from the player, and add the block collision event instead. The player's end step event should have nothing but the playerKiller collision check:
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Also edit the playerJump script to round the y coordinates:
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Note that YoYoGames (not to be confused with YoYoYoDude1 :Kappa: ) do intend to change the collision system in the next version of GMStudio (current version is 1.4.1567) so when the update is released this will have to be reworked again. Check back later!
Fixed misplaced GUI in fullscreen mode and at top of screen in general
I forgot a minus sign in the GUI code for when the GUI is on top of the screen, so the text was always visible. That's been fixed. Check the Draw GUI event of the world object for the code you need to change:
(click to show/hide)
The GUI also didn't work in fullscreen because apparently the Draw GUI event doesn't scale with the screen resolution. To fix that, check the world's Room Start event for the code that updates the GUI resolution:
(click to show/hide)
Cleaned up many unnecessary objects/sprites/sounds
Cleaning up the engine for its final release. We're going down to the bare minimum of the world, player, menu, and basic level design objects like blocks, spikes and apples, platforms and vines etc. Nothing to change here if you're updating your older copy.
Added more comments in code
Like above, trying to document everything to be more friendly to those trying to learn how a fangame engine works. Let me know if there's anything you feel isn't explained well enough!
Added vines
Just so you know, the current way you have the playerJump script set up is a bit bugged.
Apparently they changed how place_meeting works a bit, because if you use "place_meeting(x, y+1, block)" like 8.1 engines do, it doesn't always detect you as being on a block even if you are. You can see this for yourself if you keep pressing jump really quickly while on the ground. Sometimes when you hit the ground you'll double jump off of it instead of single jumping.
I just fixed this by using "place_meeting(x,round(y+1),block)" which seems to always work correctly.
Classic gamemaker! Thanks for the notification, I'll fix that really quick. You know, I bet when they change the physics all this rounding will be unnecessary and it'll just work (hopefully)
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