Fangames > Unfinished / Incomplete

I Wanna Be The Rex - Early Alpha

<< < (5/5)

From the second save of room 2, you can go straight up paste the fake blocks by holding left or right against the real blocks and jumping up.

Fake blocks improved\bug fixed
Stage 3 added
Rough draft of Boss 3 added
Soundtrack replaced (each room has its own song now)

Since I've last updated this thread I have added stage and boss 4.

Since watching some early yosniper constest feedback I've put some work into removing or toning down anything that could be considered bullshit. The game is still trap heavy because that's the style game i wanted to make but any parts that are still 'dangerous' have been marked with danger signs. There is a new boss 1 sprite and new voice over for boss entry rooms.

I'd really appreciate any feedback (including screenshots or video) of parts of the game that still include unfair triggers.


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