Hello People!
Based on Paragusrants idea in the Fangame Leaderboards back in March (
https://www.iwannacommunity.com/forum/index.php?topic=502.15) I want to create a leaderboard in which not the time counts but rather beating the actual game. The whole idea is based around giving Streamers something to do while nobody is available for a big race and maybe some Forum promotion
The Concept:A Fangame is being handed out (links are provided of course) on a Monday and everybody can answer the Challenge Thread with the link to their Past Broadcast on Twitch or other kind of proof where they complete the challenge. Just the last few segments should be enough for varification. Everybody who answered the thread gets a point on this Spreadsheet:
Spreadsheet -
httpss://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1O5kcLUxXYh8m4JZC1jn1TSwiOuIPAqr5pvcsl6fkz-s/edit?usp=sharingOn the next Monday evening, the next game is being handed out and the previous week closes. At the end of a Season (maybe ~3 months) the winner gets announced and gets all the fame
The games itself should be rather long/or have atleast decent difficulty. I'm thinking of somewhere in the LvL 60-70 bracket of the difficulty list and about 3-5 hours in length for a decent player. An easier game for the 2nd sheet is provided for beginners (those leaderboards will be handled completely separated).
Rules:Weeks - A week would start at Monday 20:00 pm CEST (+01:00 h) and the old one closes at the exact same time. That should be around 13:00 pm for American timezones. Opening and closing a week would be signalized by a post of mine in the Thread where we are going to hold this tournament. (An Edit of the OP will happen with the next Fangame name and the DL)
Varification - Link to a Past Broadcast is fine because those exist for 12 days. Youtube is fine too. For Screenshots I thought, separating the brackets could be a good idea because there is no real way to check if the game has been played in said week.
Twitch Channel - It would be nice if you have a link to these forums in your channel description. Its not really mandatory but would maybe get some people into fangames.
Current Thoughts/Problems:-
Choosing the Fangame: Players have different taste in Fangames and especially my own one is absurd in some others opinion. Maybe we could find some guy who can handles that or atleast gives thought about which game to choose. It is expected that you will not like every fangame but you will always have the option to just skip a week. This is honestly my biggest concern so far.
Separating video proof from screenshots: That's a tough one. I honestly want to run this "contest" in order to get more streaming content for everyone on the IWBTG part of twitch.tv but I don't want to exclude anyone in participating. That's why I thought keeping a separate column for Screenshots would be a good idea.
Time Format: Currently this whole thing is structured on a week-to-week basis. Maybe it is beneficial to stretch segments into 2-weeks?
Keeping the Tiny Board?: The Intention of this contest to get people into playing some of the bigger/harder games with a provided timeframe which should be more than sufficient to deal with it. A beginners bracket would be kinda against that but maybe it is just more content for everyone because players could participate in both brackets at the same time?
Anyway, if you like this idea I would volunteer to keep those spreadsheets up-to-date and give out the fangames and deal with every other hassle connected with it. I'll add a poll to this thread and if this reaches about ~15 Yes, I will see that the basis is big enough to actually make it happen.
Thank you for reading!
TL;DR: I give Fangames, you beat them, you get bigger E-Peen and the Forum becomes filled.