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Messages - 13lueWolf

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Engines / Re: TestGuy - Unity Fangame Engine
« on: August 03, 2014, 11:00:52 PM »

13lueWolf - are you using ingame unity 2D physics for the guy or did you take the route that GM does and have the object create its own gravity (ie you calculate your own gravity every fixed update)? Fiddling around with the GM values that are standard (yuuutuu) and converting them to unity values offers weird results (maybe I have some drag or other things activated that are messing with the physics as well i dunno).

You got me thinking about it and I might go ahead and rework my guy prefab from scratch and get that to be legit.
Overall this is a pretty fun project.

I'm using the Unity built-in gravity, but at a modified value, and modified fixed update. I also limit the vertical falling speed. Not the upwards vertical speed though.

The horizontal movement is a complex expression line to get the directional input to instantly reach the predefined default horizontal speed. This also accounts for changes to the necessary speed addition/subtraction to stay at the desired speed when going up/down slopes or hitting another rigidbody2D. I don't need to limit the speed or worry about it being accelerated too much or too slowly, because the code keeps the character's velocity constant dynamically.

My method is pretty polished and I've tested many other methods and I found this one to work perfectly. But I'm sure you can come up with something good on your own. Keep working on it and make something great.

Engines / Re: TestGuy - Unity Fangame Engine
« on: August 03, 2014, 11:59:55 AM »
But I think that no matter what, even with a lot of tweaking, there would always be noticeable deficiencies when compared to the standard Game Maker base ("engine") that everyone uses.

...since they would never be perfect (valign, jump cancelling would be very tedious to do, and probably impossible to get exactly right).

My game is an example that the physics can be exactly the way they are in GM, or even BETTER than in GM. If you've never seen my game, that's fine because it's not released to the public yet. But I can assure you that you CAN have pixel precise and perfect physics like the default guy game engines in GameMaker. My physics and controls are VERY polished, so being a veteran of the guy game world, I can confirm that there are no differences between my engine's physics and a GM engine's physics.

Jump cancelling is not a feature of the GM engine. It is a flaw. Do not confuse the two.

Engines / Re: TestGuy - Unity Fangame Engine
« on: August 02, 2014, 02:02:22 PM »
Hello. I think I know where this idea came from...  :Kappa:

I'm building my game on a Unity guy engine that I made earlier this year. I made it completely from scratch, not using a single pre-made controller, asset or prefab. It's quite different from a regular "guy game" and I'm sure you've seen it "somewhere" before, right? :Kappa:

I'm glad to see that people are learning from my attempts to develop better tools and content for guy games.

PS: I'd like to know what coding language you are using for this project of yours. I personally use C#.
PSS: If you need advice on some things, I'd be glad to help.

***Important Edit:

I played your game. I instantly noticed some key aspects that also affected me with my engine.

-The controls are sloppy/unresponsive. A guy game needs "pixel precise" controls, or else the player will not be able to do those precise jumps.

-The physics don't feel right. There's too much gravity. The Kid moves way too fast and does not stop when you let go of the button. (Hint: don't use Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") for direct horizontal button inputs. You can use it, but not the way you are using it right now.)

-The moving platforms are solid. (Intentional?) In a regular guy game you can jump up through them.

-If you're using an array or a list to keep all the music together, try not to do that. If the user creates a big game with many music files referenced in this single array, the editor might freeze, or even crash. (From experience, try not to put more than 3-5 large music file references in the same object.)

Is this game even still alive?

I will finish it! Even if it takes me years to do so. Right now college has taken over my time, but believe me I want to finish my game so very much...

General Games / Re: Describe the person above you
« on: September 30, 2013, 11:32:55 AM »
A big burp. Buuuuurrrppp.  :Kappa:

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: Your worst fail in a fangame
« on: September 12, 2013, 06:10:49 AM »
I spent 2 hours trying to do a jump that was literally impossible to do in that specific game. I don't remember the game, because it was a while ago when I first started playing iwbtg games.

General Games / Re: My hill
« on: August 30, 2013, 11:30:28 PM »
My quick reply instantly blows you off the hill.

My hill.  :FrankerZ:

General Games / Re: My hill
« on: August 29, 2013, 10:57:47 PM »
I spawn 1000 chocobos to chase you down.

My hill.

General Games / Re: My hill
« on: August 23, 2013, 04:37:56 PM »
The ground is ice. I can fly.

My hill.

Update V1.0.2:

World 4 completed.
New features added.
Bug Fixes.

Game Design / Re: Super Sound Guide for YoSniper's Engine
« on: August 10, 2013, 10:12:04 PM »
Just a friendly tip for game makers, try and dabble with a little bit of everything to find what you understand. Start with that. Then go and try to push it to the next level.  :FrankerZ:

Don't expect everything to be done for you, especially when looking for specific things you want to add to a game. SuperSound has some flaws, but not in the way that prevents you from getting the job done. It's all "behind the scenes" stuff in the .dll and the way the extension works.

Every Sound .dll available does the same thing. In the end, it doesn't really matter which one you use. But...

If you want high-quality sound capabilities, I wouldn't use anything other than FMOD. It's easy to use once you learn the way it works. I wanted full control over my sound engine, so I went and created my own modified version of the .dll for my game.  :Kreygasm:

Anyways, I hope we all keep getting better and better at making games. The Wannabe community has a great potential to make awesome games.

General Games / Re: I ban you because...
« on: August 04, 2013, 11:49:51 AM »
banned for marathong

if !instance_exists(:Kappa:) and User_Above != 13lueWolf {
} else { Give_Cookie(User_Above, 1); }


General Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself
« on: July 28, 2013, 07:59:02 PM »

My name is Keith, I am 20 years old, and I'm a programming student living in Canada. I'm working on making "I wanna be the Wolf" right now as a summer project, but you all probably knew that already.


Hmmm... My taste in music is very specific. I like some (but not all) trance, techno, DnB, instrumental, classic, metal, rock, blues.

The reason I say my taste in music is specifc is.... I don't like to have any (ANY) lyrics/singing in my music. It just ruins it for me.

To add to what Paragus is saying...

 I think your game needs a lot of room changes, especially with troll traps and add more "real" platforming.

You need more saves.

Less "Facepalm" moments where the player just wants to ragequit.

Better places to use special mechanics.

A PROGRESSIVE change to the difficulty of the levels and bosses. I specify the fact that it should be progressive as the player gets further in the level. Don't put a random shitfest in the middle of a level.

Some bosses need to have their HP reduced by A LOT. Or think of a way to have the boss take more damage while having the player NOT spam the button.

That's all I can think of right now, but there is a LOT more that can be said.

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