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Topics - Swordslinger

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Video Discussion / I Wanna Be The Butterfly: Blue Area
« on: December 22, 2013, 06:18:19 PM »

Proud of this.

Gameplay & Discussion / I Wanna Take The Time Machine: Request For Advice
« on: December 08, 2013, 04:54:19 AM »
(click to show/hide)

Honestly, how the fuck am I going to do this, I know how to do a jump like this in Doruppi on 7 trials, but just look at this, This might be my dead end unless i get something i guess.

Influka,this part is so mean :BibleThump:

Good game though

General Discussion / Ads: What The Fuck Is Going On?
« on: November 27, 2013, 10:41:11 PM »
I honestly have no fucking idea where to put this so, on to my problem
Those green words with lines, have an ad under it, when I opened up chrome recently, the chat in twitch was bigger then usual, and there were ads all over the place. and tbh, I have Adblocker on, and I have no idea whats goin on, more examples include: - Sandsky's Stream - How Big The Chat Is - Forum News

Anyone Got A Fucking Fix For This Before I Have a Fit Over It

Edit: Sorry Olive, I will just put this note in here then, I solved the problem, it was an addon.

Video Discussion / Biotope: Dark Destination
« on: November 07, 2013, 03:33:31 AM »

Well i got a few words.
 :FrankerZ: :FrankerZ: :FrankerZ:

Literally though, as the boss was losing health on its final phase, I kept getting more hyped, hands got numb, heart rate increased, and I didn't know what would happen. But I won :D

Video Discussion / I Wanna Be The Lovetrap: The Attack Of RNG
« on: October 19, 2013, 05:09:39 AM »

Anyways, you don't want to see a forum post full of cussing, because this pissed me off :(

Gameplay & Discussion / Corrupted Files
« on: October 04, 2013, 10:42:17 PM »
The title says the problem, whenever I try to launch certain games, it will read as if the file is broken, same thing goes for Heaven trap. This is the error if its in winrar.

C:\Users\Name\Downloads\rebuilt.IWBT_HT ver CRC Failed in IWBT_HeavenTrap ver 1.20.exe The file is corrupt

Cannot execute C:\Users\Name`1\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa0.045\IWBT_HeavenTrap\I wanna be the HeavenTrap ver 1.20.exe

And if i extract it and keep the broken files it says:

Failed to load game data. File seems corrupted.

Does anyone have a fix for this, i tried windows 9 compatibility mode, but the file seems broken when its not. I am very confused. Does anybody have a program, solution, anything.

also the rebuilt.IWBT_HT < The rebuilt means i tried repairing the archive all together, it failed.

So yes, any suggestions?

Video Discussion / Hunyuu Pun Pun Final Jump
« on: September 29, 2013, 04:29:16 AM »
I saw a comment that was asking if this jump was possible. Well i'm just going to put this out here, tell me what you think, this didn't take too long.

All from my youtube account

Programming Questions / Touch Saves
« on: September 22, 2013, 01:32:32 AM »
So yes i'm working on a little game maker project with I Wanna Be The Engine Yutuu Edition, and I want to make Touch Saves, where as a touch save like in Break Through the 7 Trials, if you come in contact with the save, it saves the game instead of shooting it. How exactly do you do this?

Gameplay & Discussion / Kamilia 3 Release Party?
« on: September 07, 2013, 02:37:24 AM »
Now This is something i wanted to post but never had the time to, i was thinking that we could all host a release party, I was thinking it could act like a charity stream or be a charity stream. As for the charities if this does work out, i don't know much, but its just an idea, I hope everyone says yes, because I know this is going to be a very good game, very challenging, and yet, very satisfying to see.

If most answers turn out yes, then i have suggestions, we could have one channel all together and one, or we start with one streamer and move down and for each suggestion, one of us streams for 1-2 hours.

Owner-Global Moderators I hope for a bit of feed back on this and have any changes or anything else we all can agree on :D

Although one more thing, i am putting this out as an idea, I will not be managing this in any way shape or form.

If this gets approved or declined when Kamilia 3 is released, feel free to lock this topic or throw it away.

Additional note, I would like to know what everyone voted so if this gets approved, it will be easier to manage or unless, any moderator can view who voted, also feel free to change your mind.

- Swordslinger :)

General Discussion / Banned, Reason: None
« on: August 31, 2013, 04:27:05 AM »

So hey everyone click that link above. and i want reactions.

Technically I was banned from twitch for no reason at all, its 3:24 AM Central Standard Time. So I was watching Shadowlink57 and after watching his stream for a bit, I look for ways to improve my upload speed, and later, it says that i got banned.

I didn't get any email, no information, no nothing.

I just sent them an email as of now. If i get some shitty reply, then i'm going to be a tad upset.

- Swordslinger

As for being banned for no reason  :EvilFetus:

Meet and Greet! / Swordslinger Guy Greeting
« on: August 29, 2013, 03:49:07 AM »
Hi everyone im Swordslinger

What brings me here? Uhhh, i'm a part of this team and i'm here on the forums to participate a bit more?

Does this work?  :TrollFace:

General Games / Describe the person above you
« on: August 26, 2013, 01:17:50 AM »
As the title says, describe the person above you, so start with me.  :4Head:

Gameplay & Discussion / I Wanna Rosegear
« on: August 24, 2013, 08:47:47 PM »
So, i started getting into I Wanna Rosegear again, one of my most enjoyed fangames with some funny trolls.

So i decided why not, i am tackling it on very hard, the bottom path was complete cake for me, the upper path is very challenging, the first save took me about 2 and a half hours.

For those who have played this game, give me your thoughts

Gameplay & Discussion / The Window
« on: August 09, 2013, 05:40:56 PM »
So In I Wanna Kill The Kamilia 2, On The Guy fight, the window at the very end of the fight, kills you, so, who on this forum who played kamilia 2 and got past the guy, got hit by the window?

Im expecting all answers to be yes  :Kappa:

Video Games / Dark Souls
« on: August 05, 2013, 04:34:40 AM »
Anyone here play Dark Souls? I would like to start up some fight clubs :D

(For Xbox 360 Only)

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