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Topics - Onynekyu

Pages: [1]
Gameplay & Discussion / I'm stuck at Solgryn boss from k2
« on: April 06, 2016, 09:32:38 PM »
I'm currently stuck against Solgryn Boss from k2 for more than 13 hours. To be more precise, at the last attack of avoidance part, the one with vertical fast apples (really fast). The timing is too tight, and i have no clue when i need to change direction (even if i watched a lot of videos to figure out the timing).

Have you any tips or advises to help me please ? Or do you know if the avoidance part is taken from another avoidance fangame ? So that i can practice this part that i'm struggling.

Meet and Greet! / Nice to meet you !
« on: March 14, 2016, 10:17:35 PM »
Hello everyone,

I'm Ony, a novice in fagaming. I started fangaming around december 2015 with boshy (ez-mode), and i speedran it thanks TJ's tutorial.

Then i found "I wanna community", and i have much more fun by playing fangames than expected (and a lot of frustration  :denMiku_v2: ).

My biggest achievement is that I reach Geezer boss from kamilia 2. Also, my biggest frustration is that i'm stuck against Geezer boss and "The Guy" from IWBTG  :atkCry: .

I also enjoy watching people from Thewannabes twitch group.

I think i say everything about me and fangames.

Nice to meet you all,
Ony. ༼つ ◕‿◕ ༽つ

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