Gameplay & Discussion / Re: New to fangames- Computer doesn't start some?
« on: January 25, 2016, 03:08:53 PM »I had a similar problem, do you use avast ?
Yeah, I do. Is that what's buggering things? It's not telling me it's blocking anything that looks safe (I know I've had issues with Avast moving certain files to its virus chest without telling me which screwed things up in the past, but that's not happening with this.)
that's really strange, never heard of a similar issue. Does anythin else happen besides the explorer freezing? Maybe you could try using a different explorer than the standard one. I personally use FreeCommander. Doing a system file check could also help.
If nothing else works, upgrading to Windows 10 might be a worth a try.
Nothing really happens other than Windows Explorer breaking. Well, the cursor acts like it's trying to load something whenever I mouse over a folder screen (but nothing ever happens; I even waited overnight once, so it's not just slow) and I stop being able to close out of it or open new folders/move around in the current one.
I'll try that file check and explorer alternative, gonna see if that gives any insight / works.
Oh, and I also thought of something mildly important >_> Right now I'm at college with my laptop, but previously at home over break I was able to get GENKI to work with my other computer, which was windows 7. But that also has Avast, so... yeah. But yes I will try those things today.

Thanks for the help