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Messages - RebornIsaac

Pages: 1 2 3 4 [5]
Video Discussion / Re: I Wanna Kill The Gecko Item 1
« on: August 30, 2015, 09:27:04 PM »
I honestly have no clue why you would use black swordsman in your game. Is getting to that secret actually impossible without godmode or did you just bypass some triggers?

It is actually possible, here, I'll explain it to you with images (Spoilers ahead, beware.):
(click to show/hide)

Video Discussion / Re: I Wanna Kill The Gecko Item 1
« on: August 30, 2015, 03:24:11 PM »
I don't know if its the game or Youtube but the sound was way too loud.

On Sony Vegas, the music sounds kinda low when you are editing it, however, when you play it on any other media player (or whatever) it sounds like, twice as loud, so maybe that's it.

Video Discussion / I Wanna Kill The Gecko Item 1
« on: August 30, 2015, 12:40:20 PM »
Hey there! I made a video previewing the first secret item from my game :B (Godmode was used, because I was too lazy to make it legit, but hey, the main idea is still there, right?)
Also, the secret room isn't beaten on video, just shown how to get there, not gonna spoil the fun for ya' there.


Tell me what you think and if I should nerf it or buff it!

Kill the Gecko 0.1 might come out on September or October

Actually, it is like this:

No triggers:

Triggers (and secret):

The secret on the upper corner activates after you pass the last spike jump, and you have to go all the way back.

Another preview :P (The triggers are invisible though, and a secret is hidden somewhere)

Original is I Wanna Descend into Hell (By Kyir)

Video Discussion / Re: I Wanna Kill The Gecko Video
« on: August 14, 2015, 10:47:30 PM »
I dislike the graphics but that's more of a stylistic cohesion thing rather than me thinking they lack in quality. The music fits well though and the animations, save for the title screen where as Wolsk says the background moves in the wrong direction, are good. I'm not sure what exactly the animation after the title screen was trying to portray though. Overall though it's impressive, so well done :~)

Some improvements I would suggest:

- Slice the title background into horizontal strips and have them on different background layers moving at different speeds to generate a parallax effect. The way the graphic you've chosen presents roads has no perspective at all and it ruins the illusion of it being a landscape rather than a flat picture behind the kid, parallax would help a lot.

- Tidy up the title logo a bit. I don't think it looks terrible but imo it doesn't look great. It looks out of place because it's in a messy style which contradicts the straighter more precise style of the other graphics in the intro and on the title screen. Again it goes back to me not liking the graphics, or to be more specific the way there's a lack of unifying style. There's a mixture of scaled up pixel art and pixel art presented in its original size; flat block colouring and gradient shading; precise angled lines and messy line art.

For the first one I didn't quite get what you wanted me to do, you want me to extend the picture? Make it so then it looks different and wider?

And for the second one, the game had another title image before, however I decided to change it to a custom drawing because it was made with a usual font (Algerian) and said font was already used for another fangame's title, so I wanted to be a little bit more original, it came up horribly (I can draw in an acceptable way, but I don't have any drawing tools on my PC) and I was too lazy (Bad excuse? Maybe) and left it like that, the way the outline (glow) looks makes it feel like its out of place, so then, I will re-do the intro trying to improve title image and stuff, so tell me what you would like for me to change and I will :) Thanks for the advice!

Programming Questions / Globals restarting?
« on: August 14, 2015, 04:35:34 PM »
Whenever I restart my game, the globals restart, let's say item1 is at 1 when I restart/close it, and when I come back its again at 0, why does this happen? How can I keep the globals constant?
(Btw, Engine used is I Wanna Be The Engine V2)

Off Topic / Re: what's the origin of your username?
« on: August 14, 2015, 04:19:51 PM »
RebornIsaac, kinda obvious but it comes from The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

Video Discussion / I Wanna Kill The Gecko Video
« on: August 13, 2015, 10:59:17 PM »
I made a video from my upcoming game's intro, dunno if this goes here, so check it out :)
(Also, description for extra info)


Programming Questions / Re: Autofire Item Help
« on: August 13, 2015, 07:28:11 PM »
if global.item_enabled==1{
if keyboard_check(ord('Z')){

Put it in the player's step event code, maybe in the last part. Replace global.item_enabled with whatever you use to keep track of whether autofire is enabled.

I tried it, but I get this error:
action number 1
of  Step Event
for object player:

Error in code at line 113:
   if (global.button4=(ord="Z")) {
at position 26: Cannot compare arguments.

What I did (There are two control modes, ShiftZ and ZX):

if (global.item1==1){
if (global.button4=(ord="Z")) {
if (keyboard_check(ord="Z")){
} } }
if (global.item1==1){
if (global.button4=(ord="X")) {
if (keyboard_check(ord="X")){
} } }

What am I doing wrong?

EDIT: Apparently I didn't correctly follow your code, making it not working, tried again with exactly what you copied and it worked, thanks! <3

Programming Questions / Autofire Item Help
« on: August 13, 2015, 05:59:32 PM »
Hello everyone!
So, I am making a fangame (Kill The Gecko) and I already made some stuff, anyways, I wanted to know how could I make an Autofire item? I already have all the globals needed, now I only need to know how to make it Autofire once you get the Item and escape the room, any help?

In advance, thanks!

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