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Messages - Stepcore

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 6
Tournaments / Re: The FGM Schedule!
« on: May 05, 2015, 03:23:17 AM »
Awww damn! Litterally PogChamp

Wait why are some of the entries bolded?

Tournaments / Re: WFC: Week 22 04.05.2015 - 10.05.2015
« on: May 04, 2015, 06:52:48 PM »
Rainbow Feather:
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Unfinished / Incomplete / Re: I Wanna Be The 213
« on: May 02, 2015, 06:30:14 PM »
At the top of the climbing section minecraft world thing, if I hold down shift when I enter the portal, I will immediately die to the top of the screen when I change room.
Please fix.

How do I get past the emergency notice? Shift does nothing. If I press R, I will spawn in the top left of the screen and fall to my death.

If only I had the time to develop this, it's going so slow with the development :<
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Just an example here, I can't really figure out what I want to do with the lighting.

Also Studio sucks compared to previous versions IMO. At least for making platformers. I just only have a license for studio :/

Unfinished / Incomplete / Re: I Wanna Kill The Creator v1.0
« on: May 02, 2015, 01:44:11 PM »
Yeah, the fourth room is impossible. Pls fix.

Tournaments / Re: WFC: Week 21 27.04.2015 - 03.05.2015
« on: May 01, 2015, 11:19:22 AM »
First Class:
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Tournaments / Re: WFC: Week 20 20.04.2015 - 26.04.2015
« on: April 26, 2015, 12:29:57 PM »
Call Me It:
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Eternity Glory:
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Tournaments / Re: WFC: Week 19 13.04.2015 - 19.04.2015
« on: April 19, 2015, 09:06:31 AM »
See the Moon:
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Announcements / Re: Soft-Launching Main Website & New Forum Theme
« on: April 11, 2015, 07:24:55 PM »
Give back "show unread posts" button or riot.

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: Post the fangame you just beat!
« on: April 08, 2015, 06:19:31 PM »

It's aight. 49.9 sucked though.

Tournaments / Re: WFC: Week 18 06.04.2015 - 12.04.2015
« on: April 06, 2015, 03:42:10 PM »
Never playing that again:
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Definitely playing that again:
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Played Again:
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Tournaments / Re: WFC: Week 17 30.03.2015 - 05.04.2015
« on: April 03, 2015, 01:24:12 PM »
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Not Another Needle Game:
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Tournaments / Re: WFC: Week 16 23.03.2015 - 29.03.2015
« on: March 27, 2015, 08:37:18 PM »
Snow Majyc:
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大仏, I did stage 5 twice...........................:
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Tournaments / Re: WFC: Week 15 16.03.2015 - 22.03.2015
« on: March 18, 2015, 12:04:33 PM »
Ez 1st try avoidance Labyrinth:
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Finished just in time, now vacation for a week.

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