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Topics - ColdWarrior

Pages: [1]
Meet and Greet! / Hello IWannaCommunity
« on: April 04, 2017, 04:08:56 PM »
Hi, i am ColdWarrior (as you probably see), but you can just simply call me Nick.
I am not a complete newbie, actually following this community for quite a while, but never really joined it.
But now i'm going deeply into fangames, so it's perfect time to show up and become a part of a big, lovely family. In this moment i looking forward just to play and discuss fangames, but we will see what future holds. Also, don't be surprised to see me on streams, i watched them a lot just wasn't registered on Twitch. I hope i didn't disappointed anyone with my reveal, really didn't use to such messages. Anyway, i glad to be here.

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