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Topics - assassin5

Pages: [1]
No one i know can appreciate just how difficult this game is. I'm so happy to have finally beat it after have been stuck on Crime and Punishment for weeks. I almost fucked it up in the end because i was so nervous. I think it took me around 4000 deaths total and around 100 deaths on Crime and Punishment (give or take).

So there it is. Just wanted to share it with someone.

Have a nice day :)

Gameplay & Discussion / How do i jump cancel?
« on: February 14, 2016, 12:30:31 AM »
I was looking through the forums and found this guide on the subject:

"...practice canceling the jump input mid-jump. To do this, hold the jump key and then also hold one of the numlock keys AFTER holding jump..."

I have the numlock enabled and press a numlock key but nothing happens to my jump. What am i doing wrong? How does this work? I don't get it.

I really need to learn jump cancel to be able to beat the Crime and Punishment phase in Kamilia 3. (or so im told).

General Discussion / Is there a way to pratice bosses in Kamilia3?
« on: February 08, 2016, 10:30:18 PM »
This have probally been asked before but could not find anything on the forums or google.

I'm stuck on Boss 1 (the final phase) and i die all the time in Kamilia3. Is there a way to pratice the last phase of the fight without having to go through all the others all the time which can be rather frustration because of the RNG.

I know I should probally not play Kamilia 3 if i can't even beat the first boss...


Meet and Greet! / Zup
« on: February 08, 2016, 09:34:51 PM »
Hi all.

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