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Topics - conlycameobasher

Pages: [1]
The Lounge / IWKTK3 Fan Fiction
« on: April 03, 2019, 12:01:29 PM »
It certainly has been a while, and this particular board doesn't seem to see much action. Oh well. Anyway, about three years ago I was watching somebody's livestream of a Kill the Kamilia 3 playthrough, and someone in the chat said someone should write a Kid x Kamilia romance fic. And that's what I did.


A very short and not entirely good thing I wrote up and left sitting on my hard drive for years which I've finally decided to make available online for all to see. Dunno if anyone else in this fandom has ever had the notion to write fanfics about IWBTG, but at the very least I can try setting a precedent. Enjoy, if you so choose.

Meet and Greet! / Hello, Fellow Masochists!
« on: May 04, 2014, 03:31:09 PM »
Since I'm bored and it's a lovely Sunday afternoon, here I go:

Hello all! I'm a 26-year-old half-Dane, so that makes me rather old compared to and not quite as foreign as most :P. I was exposed to IWBTG back in 2009 thanks to a good friend of mine it college, and after days of yelling, agony and eventual triumph I finally became The Guy. Shortly after that I got into Gradius because it was featured in the game, and from Gradius I got into the best gaming franchise ever: Touhou. So really, IWBTG is the reason I've opened up to PC as a legitimate gaming platform, so thanks Kayin! <3

After the first game I tried some of the early fangames: Fangame, Pickory, and Boshy, the game that made me develop a love for oatmeal (out of spite!). At one point I made my own fangame... which was really a board game version of IWBTG, and after that I fell out of favor of Guy games for some years. It was only some months ago that Kamilia 3 renewed my interest in the games, and I've been playing and beating games since.

So far I've beaten some twenty odd games (and slowly rising), and favorites by far are Boshy, Best Guy (it makes me laugh), Rose Gear, I Wanna Beat the Random Numbers, Uhuhu Spike, and of course the original.

Aside from playing fangames, I'm on the fence on whether to make my own (proper) one or make a podcast where I interview people from the community. But I'm lazy so it'll probably be neither.

So let's get spike-jumping everyone!

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