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Messages - PlasmaKaboom

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Unfinished / Incomplete / Re: I Wanna Enjoy Myself (My First Fangame)
« on: August 10, 2017, 12:40:53 PM »
Thank you for the feedback!

There were definitely some things I was concerned about. Most of which you pointed out. So I should have went with my gut and fixed those problems. The main ones being the visuals being perhaps too bright and waiting on cycles. Being that I made it I understand the cycles very well so they were not much of an issue for me. I should have thought about it from the perspective of a new player. And yes the visuals are a bit hard on the eyes. I will correct for that in the future.

If you have not deleted the game yet I would love to hear your thoughts on the secret stages located to the right of the "The End" screen and above the stage select. With those I tried my best to create more interesting ways to use my gimmicks. If you did already erase it, then to anybody else who may be reading this, make sure to check those out :)

Unfinished / Incomplete / I Wanna Enjoy Myself (My First Fangame)
« on: August 10, 2017, 12:34:25 AM »
Hello! I am PlasmaKaboom!

I have been working on and off on this for about a year now. Don't expect anything too incredible though, as this is my first fangame. Most of the years work was trying to figure out GameMaker, the YoYoYo engine, and coding. It's all new to me.

The only thing here not finished is the title screen. I was told I would not be able to add my own custom title card unless I bought the full version of GameMaker Studio. And it would seem version 1 of GameMaker Studio is no longer available. So I'm just gonna call it finished for now until I figure out a solution. That's the only thing keeping it from being a complete game unfortunately.

Here is a download link:

Feel free to send me any feedback, good or bad. I want to improve.
Also feel free to stream it if you want. Won't bother me :)

Oh my gosh thank you! That's exactly what I was looking for!

Programming Questions / Can I make a sprite pause?
« on: April 21, 2017, 09:51:55 PM »
Is it possible to make a sprite freeze in place in the middle of it's animation?

I should have been more specific. The suggestion I was just given does make the sprite animation play just once, however it disappears once it's done. I need it to pause after it plays once (meaning I need it to freeze in place on the sprites last animation frame). Is there a way to do that?

Is there an easy way to tell an object not to loop it's sprite animation? When I restart a room I want an animation of one of my sprites to only play once and then stop, only repeating when I restart the room again.

I have finished a game of mine (using the yoyoyo engine) and want to share it, but whenever I "create application" the .exe file it creates still has all of the saves from when I was testing the game out. How can I restore them back to default?

Wow you've saved me twice now!  :wixSanic: Thanks alot this was driving me crazy!

I am trying to make it so that once my player touches the "objSecretItem", the item changes my player's bow sprite permanently.

I am new to GameMaker and coding in general so I'm sure there is probably a simple answer for this.

The closest I have gotten to getting it to work is by modifying the already premade "objSecretItem" by adding a "change instance" under "actions" that changes "objBow" to "objBow2" (my bow sprite I made). When I press reset or warp to another room, the bow's new sprite stays there, however; when I die it returns back to the original sprite. I want it to keep the new sprite I made even after I die.

Am I doing this in a weird way? Am I making it too complicated? Any help would be appreciated

Hello. I am new to GameMaker Studio and have little to no experience with coding. Is there a relatively easy way to change a background image ingame with a trigger?

I have been working on my first fangame for over a month now (following Klazen's tutorial). So I at least know where most things are in GameMaker, but In terms of triggers, I have no clue how to set a trigger to effect anything other than objects. I want a trigger to change the room's background image when touched by the player. I do not seem to see a way to do this. I figure it has something to do with the "draw background" instance but I'm not sure where to apply that instance. Under which event?

If anybody can help me with this it would be greatly appreciated.

General Discussion / An Idea for a Fangame
« on: June 01, 2016, 04:24:28 AM »
A game with a feature, where every once in awhile you are awarded a token that allows you to attempt a bonus screen. The bonus screens would give you 10 attempts to beat it before it goes away (I imagine the bonus screens being activated with a key on your keyboard so that it does not interrupt your game). The bonus screens start off easy, but get harder the further you go.

You could strategize how you use the bonus levels. For example, you could save a bonus token for when you are at a very hard level in the main game that's giving you trouble, cash it in, beat it, and skip the hard level. Or speedrunners could use it to skip longer screens. Then maybe you could give a secret boss for beating all of the bonus screens.

I don't know, I was just messing around in "I Wanna Record My Jumps" when I came up with this. It seemed like a fun idea. Tell me what you guys think.  :wixSanic:

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: I Wanna Sunspike - Hard Jump?
« on: May 10, 2016, 09:47:56 PM »
Actually, that image has a lot of mistakes in it. A few of them are right, but most of them aren't. Hector made a corrected version that you can use here:
Thanks. I will save that one as well then :)

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: I Wanna Sunspike - Hard Jump?
« on: May 10, 2016, 04:29:34 PM »
That's just how corner jumps work, they are much easier with the good align than with the bad one. If you ever have doubts, here is a list with the aligns for the most common fangame jumps: .

Hey thanks! That list of aligns is really gonna help. I decided to align myself with a different wall (that the images you provided suggested). I just brush up against this new spot and then go back and save before I start doing attempts and it appears to be making the jump a bit more consistent. I got it within a minute or so of attempts. Then started the game over and played back to that point and made it through again on my 5th try. I think that align is really helping. Thanks!

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: I Wanna Sunspike - Hard Jump?
« on: May 10, 2016, 02:46:04 PM »
Do you know about aligns? I'd strongly suggest you educate yourself on them
Aligns are, in simple terms, touching walls to make certain jumps easier (there is more science to them but that's the simplest explanation). If you touch one of the walls marked red (both give the same align), save and avoid touching any other walls until that jump, you will find it to be much easier. If you touch a different wall, just press R and you will be back at the save with the align you had when you saved.
I am somewhat aware of aligns. I just dont see how that helps me in this instance. I had to use aligns a few saves before this one (I have provided an image).

Gameplay & Discussion / I Wanna Sunspike - Hard Jump?
« on: May 10, 2016, 04:32:59 AM »
Hey, so I am fairly new to these fangames. My only prior experience is getting past The Guy boss fight in I Wanna Kill the Kamilia 2, I've gotten to Flandre Scarlet in Kamilia 3 (have not beaten her yet), and I've done a few speedruns of I Wanna Challege 100 Trials. I came across a jump in I Wanna Sunspike that has been driving me crazy (I attached an image of the jump for you to this post). I have gotten through it a few times before but I have no idea what I did to make it happen. It usually takes me about a half hour of attempts before I get it. I've done it multiple times because I replay Sunspike back to the point I'm at to warm up my hands. I can get up to this jump from the start of the game in about 15 minutes. So the fact that this jump completely halts my progress every time drives me crazy. After about 20 minutes of failure on this jump I usually get too frustrated and give up. I'm sure there is no easy solution to the jump. I'm sure it's just a hard jump, but is there anything I can do to make it easier? I basically just treat it like a normal drop gate, then tap right when I'm through until it works. 

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