Hi! I have some changes to DelFruit I think would be awesome to see if possible.
Appearance:-Optional delfruit dark theme (mm)
-A user's bookmarks list should show their score ratings/difficulty ratings as well as the average score ratings/difficulty ratings, as most use bookmarks for games they haven't played, and hence, haven't rated.
-Show when the user bookmarked a game.
-Show when the user cleared a game.
Site structure:-Authors and users linked together. If you click on an author's name on their game's page, it should take you to their profile like it does when you click on anyone else's name.
Advanced Search:-Search by number of ratings
-Ability to exclude tags/strings
Search Results:-Sort by date
-Sort by author
-Ability to add games to bookmarks directly from the search results page (pleaseeeeeeee)
Thank you Klazen, TJ and Pat for the awesome site!